How old was you when you learned to drive?

by Brummie 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    I've never passed my test, never needed to because I lived near the city and could get from A to B at the drop of a hat. Now living in a village it almost impossible to get anywhere so I am about to start taking lessons, at 39 i'm embarrassed and am dreading starting lessons. What a wus huh. The thought of failing to miss the car in front is daunting...I am soooooo going to crash

    How old was you when you learned to drive? Did you pass first time you took the test? Was you a nervous wreck? They say the older a person is the harder it is to learn....What hope do i got?.


  • SheilaM

    Brummie: You can do it I passed first time at 16 didn't get to drive anywhere LOL but I had my license. LOL I taought both my kids and they are good drivers so hey I can teach you.

  • Mulan

    16............Dad was driving, pulled the car over and told me to drive home. It was so easy. Been driving ever since. I took my driving test two weeks later.

  • Brummie


    I'd make you a nervous wreck

    My sister passed 2nd time and hasnt drove since...I dont get it.


  • WildHorses

    I've been driving forever it seems. At age five, I would sit on papa's lap and stear the John Dear. Then when I just turned 14, I tried to get my mom to let me drive her car, because I wanted to learn how to drive a standard. She said NO! So, being the wicked child that I was, I would sit in her car practicing how to change the gears. Then, when I was comfortable with that, I took her keys and started the car. She came running out of the house. I locked the doors real fast and took off like a bat out of you know where. Once she saw that the car was still in one piece when I got back, she let me drive all the time.

    Poor mom, I'm surprised she didn't have a heart attack with all I've put her through.

  • Brummie

    Mulan neither one of my parents ever drove, pity really as I would have probably learned early in life from them. But living near the city all their lives they never had too. Now I'm wishing I had bothered to learn years ago.


    I locked the doors real fast and took off like a bat out of you know where

    haha imagine the horror as you went off into the sunset!


  • manon

    Yeah Brummie,

    Go for it jump in feet first. I live in a big city also the worst part about driving is finding a parking spot its the pits. I learned how to drive at 19 and got my licence at 20 I passed the 1st time. I was nervous too made plenty of mistakes. Glad I learned especially after having my daughter <mommy taxi service> everything is driving. ZROOOOOOOOM!!

  • WildHorses

    Brummie, driving is rather easy really. Just relax, learn where the break is and not to slam on it at the stop lights.

    Your instructor will ease you through it, i'm sure.

  • xjw_b12

    Brummie. Explain to me please, how in the BK you can drive without a licence, and acquire insurance for your vehicle.

  • Brummie

    Thanks WH, if the instructor can relax when I'm at the wheel, then I'm sure I will at some stage.

    xjw_ b12 in the UK we have to have a provisional liscence before we can drive or take lessons, this is upgraded to a full licence when we pass. With a provisional we can drive as long as we have an experienced driver sitting beside us. How any insurance company will insure the vehicle is beyond me.


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