Watchtower Nov 2016 - Instructions for Apostates

by Listener 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Listener
    I'm sure no one really gave a sh!t then either, but to be waving it like a flag at this point in time is simply BS. Anyone who even saw the tract, or who thought they were accomplishing something by distributing them, IS DEAD. It was all a waste of time as, once again, nothing happened -- and now, 100 years later, still nothing has happened.

    The point of the article was to prove that they had been very active in getting out of false religion during the years 1918 to 1919. The previous Governing Body, probably Franz & Co. had taught that the org was captive of Babylon the Great during those years.

    They presented it as new light earlier this year in a QFR and have gone into more detail in this article. All they are really doing is arguing with the teachings of a previous Governing Body, showing that they know better than them.

    It is no big deal and all that they printed way back then is not even in print today.
  • Darkknight757

    So are they changing the past now? I'm confused. I never heard of this 10 million tract campaign before. (Not that I really ever paid attention to Jw history.)

  • Vidiot

    "Released from Darkness"

    Someone at the Writing Dept. definitely has a flair for the dramatic. :smirk:

  • Vidiot

    Listener - "...they wish to shut us down, they tighten the hold on their fold and they call us all kinds of despicable names, they'll even call the higher authorities to act against us if they can get away with it..."

    And the irony is utterly lost on them, I'm sure. :smirk:

  • Vidiot

    Darkknight757 - "So are they changing the past now?"

    Evidently. :wink:

    It's impressive, really... back in the day, you needed a wild-eyed scientist, a flux capacitor, and shitty car with gull-wing doors to pull off that kind of thing.

    Now it can be done with a couple of keystrokes. :smirk:

  • Darkknight757

    Amazing. I vaguely remember them saying that from 1917-1919 they were in some "spiritual darkness" and that the preaching work virtually stopped.

    A 10 million tract campaign doesn't sound like a "virtually stopped" preaching activity.

    They must have short memories.

  • Saename

    Listener - Informing every JW we know is not enough, we could do more. Distributing thousands of tracts these days is not realistic, efficient or economical, fortunately we have other means of spreading the message. We do this via the internet and word of mouth as well as other means. We can be thankful that it is within most of our means that we are able to spread the word. No doubt, the organization would say it was Satan who was providing this effective method for us today, yet they could hardly do so when the utilize the same method more and more.

    What have we found? Just as the Russelites experienced, the religious leaders are furious. The JW religion wish to shut us down, they tighten the hold on their fold and they call us all kinds of despicable names, they'll even call the higher authorities to act against us if they can get away with it. We are encouraged to remain undeterred, not letting their sly remarks of telling us to 'move on' and to leave peacefully.

    Holy hell! This sounded as if it were written by the Governing Body! Look, it's the same type of language! [SARCASM ALERT in case you read Fox News] Are you starting your own little cult...?

  • Stealth
    the few thousand Bible Students zealously distributed 10,000,000 copies of a tract featuring the subject “The Fall of Babylon”—a hard-hitting indictment of Christendom.

    Somehow I doubt this. Did the Bible Students turn in field service reports in 1917? That's 3,333 tracts for each and every B.S.

    They may have printed 10m copies of the tract, that does not mean they were read by 10m people. Keep in mind that toilet paper was in very short supply during this time period.

  • tor1500


    Wow, you hit the nail on the head. I just want to say my experience being in the org. is the way some of the females have these soft voices, kind of like mealy mouth. I just don't by it. Do they think that is holy & making points with Jehovah. For a while I was a little afraid to make comments, because my voice carries. I can't whisper & if I do, you can barely hear me.

    Regarding the org. now...for years it has been about Jehovah, with Jesus in the background. I guess a few questions from readers have pointed out that Jesus says he is the way, so now they are trying to imitate Jesus...& Jesus was loving...& the way the org. was dealing with folks wasn't I think they are trying to slowly, & I mean slowly, to become a kinder org. If you take a look at May 2016 study WT, on the back, ? from Readers...they mention re-instatement & it's ok to clap. Before you couldn't clap, yet they use the bible to say it's now ok to clap, but I asked a sister, well if they said that you couldn't clap, where in the bible did they see that? Well guess what ? Crickets....

    JW religion or a way of life whatever it's called, they want new ones...they are going to ease up...Or maybe they are noticing the young ones are swallowing the kool-aide....

    I like all of your comments. I'm there until, well until...I have a few friends in there & we all like each other, but you know if I leave they won't speak to me anymore....then again, if they were really more said.

    They are afraid of the Truth....


  • steve2

    Quote from the November Watchtower:

    "The Bible Students understood that it was not enough for them to inform relatives, close friends, and church members of their stand on false religion. The whole world needed to see Babylon the Great for what it is—a religious prostitute! Accordingly, between December 1917 and early 1918, the few thousand Bible Students zealously distributed 10,000,000 copies of a tract featuring the subject “The Fall of Babylon”—a hard-hitting indictment of Christendom. As you can imagine, the clergy were furious; but undeterred, the Bible Students kept right on with this important work. They were determined to obey “God as ruler rather than men.” (Acts 5:29) What can we conclude? That far from becoming enslaved to Babylon the Great during the war,these Christian men and women were breaking free from its influence and were helping others to do so."

    So here we are almost 100 years later with the churches of Christendom still going about their merry business, oblivious to the warning back in the day - and what is the status of the organization's current public denunciations of the churches? What follow up has occurred? Do the Witnesses today engage in that type of public denunciatory activity? Zilch. Zero. Not a public peep. Silence.

    And its mentioned in the November Watchtower as if the denunciation was an historical one-off?

    No answers to those questions.

    Yet, we are told how uniquely brave those in the organization were at the time (as "Bible Students" they were still over one decade away from being rebranded as JWs).

    And how does the denunciation of Christendom mesh with Matthew 24:14? They seem like very different messages.

    Most amazingly of all, the rank and file unthinkingly swallow this irritatingly tiresome self-adulation. At least those in the organization back then put their full public heart into their beliefs - not like the modern breed of JWs who stand (or sit) lamely by unnoticed literature carts as the oblvious world passes them by.

    What a difference 100 years makes!

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