Want to know the REAL armageddon the bible teaches?

by EndofMysteries 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    There is no Christian religion that teaches this, nor the WT, etc. But it's clearly in the scriptures. The REAL one that the Watchtower twists to it's meaning is this one......

    Ez, entire chapter of 38 and 39.

    In summary, Jews would be gathered back to Israel/Jerusalem. Armies would surround them. The jews do NOT serve God. But he intends to keep his promise. In Ez 38:22-23 he rains down fire from heavens on those armies. (this is the same thing that Rev 20:8/9 talk about, but as you see in preceding verse in Ez, the entire Earth isn't following this God, nor are they perfect, etc. The reason for gathering the Jews back and raining fire down on the armies? The reason is in Ez 39:28/29. (More indepth if you start as vs 21). Again definitely doesn't at all match WT version of events.

    Zech 14, entire chapter also talks more in depth bout this event. This is where the armies surrounding them have their flesh rot while yet alive. After this event is everybody still alive perfect and live eternally? Nope. Zech 14:16-19 says they'll be survivors of those who went against Jerusalem and they must make an annual pilgrimage. If they don't make that pilgrimage then their land shall get no rain.

    So how does the WT get that God will destroy the entire earth except JW's real soon, and they'll have perfect life and health and paradise for 1,000 years and dead will be raised, then people will go bad and rebel and they'll be one last destruction? Their entire story is from picking single scriptures out of context from entire detailed scenarios like I just showed to make an entire new story.

  • EndofMysteries
  • Crazyguy

    Revelations seams to be a book that take parts from the Old Testament and some from the book of Enoch. I wouldn't be surprised if there some Sumerian and Egyptian writings that have similar information. I think there a lot more in the book of Zechariah too.

    I just read some Sumerian writings talking about the righteous in inheriting the land and another Babylonia writing that reads much like the sermon on the mount.

  • Diogenesister

    Zech 14, entire chapter also talks more in depth bout this event. This is where the armies surrounding them have their flesh rot while yet alive.

    Zombies!!!!!!! They're a comin'folks!!

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