How do i keep seeing my daughter when she turns 18

by agnosticnow 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LifesNotOver

    My two cents ... if your daughter sees you doing whatever you can to have more time with her, that will prove your sincerity. Be honest with her, but don't tell her things she can't yet understand. Always keep your word. Be her father first, her dad second, and her friend third. I just finished reading this novel where a teenage boy's father just for a moment decided to be "cool dad/friend" so his son would be happy with him, rather than be "responsible father", and it all went tragically wrong. It DID have a happy ending, though, and I love happy endings! Well, a bittersweet ending, actually.

    I've raised 2 teenagers and made plenty of mistakes. I think professional counselling early on would have helped us understand each other and helped in communication. Nip problems in the bud sort of thing, rather than trying it later in the teen years when patterns are already firmly established and much damage has already been done.

    And lots of "I love you's" and hugs! As I said, my two cents ..... LNO

  • Vanderhoven7

    Why only 1 night a month? Sounds like you got a bad deal? Are you divorced?

    At 18, it should be your daughter's choice anyway. Now is the time you need to have with her.

  • Crazyguy

    I would be proactive at teaching her about all the problems with the bible. Noah's flood is a good place and how all the evidence shows there never was a global flood. Anyway if your not proactive the cult will mess her mind up and even if she stops being a JW she may have guilt issues etc if she is not properly educated.

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