Guys, be honest - does your woman make more $$ than you do?

by DanTheMan 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • anti-absolutist


    If you have a relationship where you both feel that the money all goes into one pot, that is fantastic. I feel the same way. My wife, however, didn't/doesn't. In 2000 she started her own business and said, "when I am making a hundred thousand a year, it is all going to be mine". ( we were already surviving so far on my sixty, so I figured no big deal)

    Well, her business venture brought in $400.00 and cost us $9000.00. Suddenly she felt no obligation to make up for the money lost, even though she had previously felt that the money gained would all be hers.

    Point being, that if you both have the same feelings about money/income then there are usually no problems in the good OR bad times. However, this incident of ours was the prelude to our break-up. I STILL don't feel that money should end a relationship, but she seems to.

    Oh well, bluessaphire is looking pretty good, so there is always hope. ( ???)


  • BeautifulGarbage

    I had always made more money than hubby before I became a stay-home mommy. Interestingly, for a few years, my spouse was nervous about being the sole breadwinner. He felt the pressure of being "it". However, I still control the money and make only consult him on the big money decisions. He trusts me 100%.

    Occasionally, he will ask "How much money do we have"? And I will give him the run down. He doesn't want the responsibility of managing it, though. It's an arrangement that works for us.


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