Did You Feel "Special" Because You Were A " Minister"?

by minimus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Most JW's that I have known were proud and happy to be called "ministers". It gave them a sense of superiority over other laypersons. Brothers might especially be happy to have that designation, especially if they didn't want to be drafted. Were you comforfable being regarded as a minister by your peers, while knowing that the rest of the world regarded you just as a "book seller''?

  • minimus

    I know some sisters that also were very proud to be "ministers". It gave them a feeling of being better than any college educated minister or priest. But that's what the "truth" can do for you. It can make you feel that you're better than everyone else in the world.

  • minimus

    Don't like this question, huh?

  • undercover

    I didn't feel special. In fact I never told anyone that I was a minister. I was embarrassed to use that term because most people thought of a minister as a full-time preacher or priest or something like that and I didn't want to be confused as one.

  • TresHappy

    I remember a few years ago, the Dallas Morning News printed the headline "a new minister"...it was showing the baptism at the convention in Fort Worth...with a small story about how JW's feel as if their ministers as soon as their baptized. I never felt like a minister...maybe miserable though!

  • ThiChi

    I was on top of the world! Only me, and a handfull of others, knew the "sacred secret!" Billions were going to die, except me! I was Holy, ready to judge you all!

    I now offer all of you my humble apologies, along with a cocktail and a good Cuban cigar!

  • freedom96

    Never considered myself a minister. Sure never would have referred to myself as one.

  • sandy

    I did feel special for a brief period of time. Wasn't there an ID card that we were suppossed to carry on our bodies at all time?

  • ThiChi

    Sandy: You mean the Publisher ID Card? Why did they stop giving them out anyway?

  • sandy

    Thi chi - I don't know if they stopped giving them out. I just know I never carried mine.

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