Set ptermber AT study article: "Armaggedon Is Good News!

by Room 215 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Sorry about the mangled headline... I must admit that I never fully bought into the literal belief of global genocide, and used to argue that all of that "blood up to the horse's brible was "symbolic imagery."

  • Xanthippe

    It's good news for all those waiting to take over their neighbourhood big houses. Once they've buried the bodies. Of course there'll be no power, water or plumbing but a miracle or two will fix that surely.

  • sir82

    The JW preaching message, boiled down to its essence:

    "Worship God the way we tell you to, or God will slaughter you, your family, your friends, and 7 billion other people, real soon now."

    To be fair, that is merely a variation on the essence of the "Christian Gospel" message that has been preached for ~2000 years.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Yep, sir82; distilled to its essence, it's "Join Us or Die!"

  • amiable atheist
    amiable atheist

    The GB ( Garrulous Bullshitters, Greedy Bastards, Glib Barnacles, ... ):" Do our bidding, or else your dead meat!"

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