Honest Hearted Ones

by Sea Breeze 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    There are certain WT terms that sound biblical but really just puff up the pride. Hundreds of times the WT has used the term honest-hearted in their literature. It sounds biblical, if for no other reason because we hear it so often in JW circles.

    For the record, this term appears NO WHERE in the bible. (KJV)

    JW's ....Does this surprise you? What does it say about JW's who believe they are the only honest-hearted people on earth? Why would JW's choose such an unbiblical term to characterize themselves? Why are they desperately trying to find honest-hearted people in their witnessing work?

    Why didn't Jesus seek out "honest-hearted" people like JW's do? What kind of people did Jesus seek out?


  • Phizzy

    The expression "honest-hearted ones" is used as part of the Mind Control technique used by the Org. it is a thought stopper, especially when used like this "Honest-hearted ones accept..... " , or worse " honest-hearted ones do not question or doubt... ".

    They use it upon the members, and the Public, no one likes to think they are not honest-hearted, so the gullible go along with the nonsense the Org spews out after using that expression.

  • smiddy3

    If anyone is not honest hearted it is the Jehovah`s Witnesses themselves !

    If they were honest hearted they wouldn`t be Jehovah`s Witnesses

  • LongHairGal


    I’m so ‘honest hearted’ that I realized I had to get Out of the JW religion.

  • StephaneLaliberte
    The expression "honest-hearted ones" is used as part of the Mind Control technique used by the Org. it is a thought stopper, especially when used like this "Honest-hearted ones accept..... " , or worse " honest-hearted ones do not question or doubt... ".

    Bang on Phizzy! Its manipulative and insults anyone who doesn't agree with them.

  • enoughisenough

    the thought came to me, "the heart is treacherous, who can know it?" Hmm....there isn't anything honest about the WTBTS ( JWorg) built upon lies.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Hate to contradict, but honest hearted ones is biblical.

    Luke 8:15 KJV — But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.

    Of course JWs see themselves and their leaders in this light and all others who do not accept them and their message as anything but.

    Jesus chose and appointed those in Brooklyn in 1919 because of their doctrine and their honest hearts. Of course modern JWs usually can't name more that 2 of these appointees...so how can they know anything about the condition of their hearts. It's all speculation upon speculation.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Another phrase would be "make the truth your own", Daniel Sydlik's pet saying and there's even a song about it. Non-biblical of course, as the truth is a person, Jesus, but most JWs would probably swear it's a scripture somewhere, because of course they think The Truth means the JW organization.

  • Biahi

    Honest hearted may be in the Bible, but their “definition “ is different. What they mean by honest hearted is to believe everything they claim, without any question. Or proof.

  • ThomasMore

    Vanderhoven is spot on as well as the spirit of the post. The term is used to manipulate the thinking through association. “I am honest-hearted so I should be responding to JWs.” “I am a JW so therefore I am honest-hearted”

    The use of terms like these divide people into 2 camps - JWs and the Wicked World. There are no gray areas, everything is black and white - even if we know that flawed people exist in both. Elevating some above others has never created unity or a sense of genuine brotherly love. JWs are devouring each other as they compete for the top slot of “most honest-hearted”.

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