They shall learn war no more

by Dunedain 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dunedain

    This is just a thought i had, earlier today, and wanted to share it. Its funny how, one of the BIGGEST things concerning JW's, is their claim of "true christianity", based on that they do not "GO TO WAR". It is, certainly true, that yes they do not go to war, and i do not think that any of us here, would neccesarilly say that this is a bad thing. Maybe, it is cowardly, or easy to not go to war, and i truly believe Jesus would have NEVER gone to war, and maybe its even a "cop out" to not go to war, but it IS a decent value.

    HOWEVER, the WTS may not go to war, and pick up a gun for a nation, but they will, and do, go to war everyday. They war against families, with their brutal tactics of shunning and disfellowshipping. They war against children, and their safety from an abusive organization. They war against their own members who are maybe effeminate in their speech, or masculine in their walk. They war against their own members, who question a doctrine, or bring up a point of debate. They war against young adults, who may be on the "fence", and might need MORE encouragement, but might be seen as "spiritualy week", so are ostrasized and shunned. They war against their own members personal relationship with the creator of the universe, by JUDGING if you are spiritual or not, by the clothes you wear, or the haircut you have, or the pitch of your voice.

    They WAR against the very teachings of Jesus. They WAR against his example of LOVE. They WAR against those who seek to find him, and have a personal relationship with him, unless it is thru THEIR manmade rules. They WAR against truth, by publishing lies, by using "smoke and mirrors", and mis-quoting publications, just to deceive their own members. They WAR against the bible, by adding to it, and misquoting it, and making false prophesies, with false predictions.

    Yes, its true the WTS, may not go to war, by picking up a gun against an unnamed face, that is in a land far away. No they are responsible for a much harsher war against the people right in front of them. Against the people who trust them the most. Against the people they are supposed to shepards, own spirituality. Their war has a body count in the millions, against peoples very lives, spiritually, and literally from the deaths of the innocents by no blood, no vaccines. They are at war with their own flock, berating them, punishing them, and torturing their very minds and souls, with their ruthless, brutal, unloving practices, and all in the name of God.

    They know MUCH war, and their casulties are great indeed.

  • prologos
    no wonder, . The current GB members published that they expect to be gathered, raptured to heaven prior to Armageddon, a war they expect to be involved in as immortal warriors to kill, exterminate their enemies or spelled differently nemesis even the denizen of JWN, along with millions of babies. training to be real heros.
  • berrygerry

    WT Oct 15, 1951 p 613

    Jehovah’s War of Armageddon

    PEOPLE the world over fear another global war. They fear it because of having already experienced two world wars. They fear it because atomic weapons will be used. They fear it because there seems no way of escaping it. But what the majority of the people do not realize is that something far more terrible than another international war is impending. (2 Pet. 3:7, 10) As General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, on September 2, 1945, the day after the surrender of the Japanese, aboard the battleship “Missouri”, warned: “Men since the beginning of time have sought peace. . . . Military alliances, balance of power, leagues of nations, all in turn failed, leaving the only path to be by way of the crucible of war. We have had our last chance. If we will not devise some greater and more equitable system, our Armageddon will be at our door.” No “more equitable system” has been devised. The nations are having their “last chance”. Armageddon is at the door!

  • Vidiot
    Not to mention that they started a vicious war against former members...
  • steve2

    I endorse the views expressed in the OP. Well said!

    That said, remember JWs - and other fundamentalist groups - love to quote Jesus words below in defense of their divisive teachings:

    Matthew 10: 35-37

    For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

    JWs do not consider the impact of their teachings on households to be of concern - in fact, they expect it.

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