Are JW lawyers crooked?

by Jerry Bergman 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jerry Bergman
    Jerry Bergman

    Is the following the real situation??

    Just got off the Phone with a brother this morning. He walked out of the Watchtower Study due to offensive remarks on the abuse issue. This was the Watchtower Study that was the second in the March1, 2003 series. This magazine was undoubtedly one of the most propaganda based articles based on the abuse issue that have been written in a long time. The Study article last week cased several brothers and sisters to contact me about the remarks made in their local congregations. In many congregations the dateline program was mentioned specifically and described as apostate information. These brothers have an amazing sense of memory as Watchtower commented to dateline about the reason for them not appearing on the program was not due to "apostates" but instead due to it being their brothers and sisters with their wish to not appear adversarial on the Documentary. When the program airs the Watchtower then appoints judicial committees to disfellowship everyone on the program and now labels them apostates. Does anyone see just a tiny bit of hypocrisy here?

    The brother walked out when the conductor stated, "The Catholic Church has been exposed for its scandal on child abuse and the media tried to implicate God's organization also. We are happy to now understand that God's organization has been complete exonerated from these false charges and see where the real source of this misinformation is coming from." Thus the implication there is no problem with child abuse in the organization but instead it was a creation of the apostates as a way to persecute God's people.

    Would you have walked out?

    For those that remained do you think they really believed this?

    With one stroke all victims are being called liars once again by Watchtower Policies and the rank and file are being LIED to by the Governing Body. It highlights the importance of not letting this issue die and keeping it before the media. Remember this at the end of next month by supporting the "One Thousand Lambs Worldwide" campaign, it is something each of us can do to help the organization remember that we will not forget nor accept their lies.

  • hippikon

    God's organization has been complete exonerated from these false charges

    Thats Watchtower speak for embarising defeat.

    Reminds me of a certain Iraqi Information Minister - There are no tanks in Bagdad. The enemy has been repulsed

  • teenyuck


    "It was so cold last week that I saw several lawyers with their hands in their own pockets."

    As the lawyer woke up after surgery, he said" "Why are all the blinds drawn?"

    The doctor answered: "There's a big fire across the street, and we didn't want you to think the operation was a failure."

    What is the difference between a tick and a lawyer?
    A tick falls off of you when you die.
    Why does the law society prohibit sex between lawyers and their clients?
    To prevent clients from being billed twice for essentially the same service.
    How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb?
    Six. One to change the bulb and five to write the environmental impact statement.
    What do you call a lawyer who doesn't chase ambulances?

    I worked for attorneys who were in small firms and large. Being a JW is bad enough, being an attorney is a double whammy.....

    They (attorneys & JWs) are trained to be evasive. I got some of it in law school and during my baptisim training....that is why I am no longer a paralegal (though certified) and why I am no longer a dub.

    Tina of the *loves to generalize and insult large groups class*

  • Jerry Bergman
    Jerry Bergman

    By the way, my post came from another source (it was not my experience or my words).

  • figureheaduk

    Isn't that a bit like asking "is the pope a catholic?"

  • Maverick

    Why was the lion following the elephants and eating their dung? He just ate a lawyer and was trying to get the taste out of his mouth!

    Why did the French Doctor get the national heros award? He perfected lobotomies for lawyers, rectally!

    What do sperm and a lawyer have in common? They both have a one and ten million chance of becoming a human. Maverick

  • Francois

    Actually, they are more crooked than your average lawyer. JW lawyers are so crooked that when they die, they are just screwed into the ground.


  • kls

    Well they are jws,are jws crooked? YES

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Are the Kennedys gunshy

  • Farkel


    The WTS duplicity is so obvious it doesn't need further comment. The fact is, they are shameless liars. The SAD fact is, they know they are shameless liars. The half-way intelligent local elders probably know this, but they are forejoined from complaining about those lies, or WT God will KILL them.

    Sad stuff.


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