Hermann Goering, Nazi officer, during his Nuremberg war crimes trial

by ashitaka 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    "Why of course the people don't want war. . . . That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." --Hermann Goering, Nazi officer, during his Nuremberg war crimes trial

    Interesting stuff. Apologies if this has been posted before.


  • patio34

    Thanks for that reference. Not surprising though.


  • ashitaka

    Just so you know, I wasn't trolling for a response. I thought it was a little ironic, though. I personally think that all governments aspire to operate on this level.

    Again, everything goes back to this we're playing a game that we must WIN (on both sides) attitude that doesn't do anyone any good.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Dont forget the slogans and trigger words. Those are necessary for the purpose of getting the masses to individually rationalize the governments position into their own personal position.

    "Weapons of Mass Destruction" Thats a slogan

    ..."Liberation....Freedom....Torture chambers" Those are trigger words.

    Be sure to include lots of appropriate pictures and throw in some emotional music for good measure.

  • ashitaka
    Be sure to include lots of appropriate pictures and throw in some emotional music for good measure.

    LOL. So true.

  • Pleasuredome


    i knew it would be that quote you've put on here when i saw the title. nice one mate. what a great quote.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Quoting Herman Goering, how quaint. Apples and Oranges....the citizens of Nazi Germany did not have a free press and only got their information from one source, the government, to form their opinions. They also didn't have the ability to debate, only the ability to 'go along', much like the Iraqis.

    Since you're quoting old Herman, he also confirmed that if the 'world' would have stood up to them when they annexed Austria and the Sudatenland, they would have backed off and return to their own borders and lived up to their agreements not to militarize - at that time they were relatively weak. Instead, the world continued to appease them until they were strong enough to beat Europe's largest standing army, the French, in a matter of weeks and plunge the world into WWII.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    Goering was quite a character. Had he not been an inmate at a mental institution and a drug addict, one could probably take his quotes a little more seriously. Although he was the head of the Luftwaffe, he was a lousy strategist and did a very poor job. His only real accomplishment was as a fighter pilot in WW1. He was an ace, almost, but not quite, on the level of the Red Baron.


  • Aztec

    "..the citizens of Nazi Germany did not have a free press" Ummmm and we do? Okay so we claim to but how free is it really? Propaganda is sometimes disguised as free press. I would love to post links and all that lovely stuff but I am browser handicapped at the moment so all I can do is offer needling posts and hope noone gets so pissed as to vilify me for offering my opininion. :) Ashitaka, interesting quote. ~Aztec

  • Xena

    Interesting quote Ash (I still have my eye on you regarding the Texas comment Mister),

    I think it behooves citizens of any country to be constantly vigilent against being duped by their government. No one should be followed blindly.

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