
by Norm 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • outnfree


    are you related to Fred?


    you've done it again! Thanks for compiling this.


  • Norm

    It is amazing isn't it? If the WTS print anything in their literature that isn't pure bullshit, it was never intended, it is an accident.


  • Francois

    As noted previously, people who join cults of any type conform to a well-known personality profile as is exhaustively described in Eric Hoffer's seminal work, "The True Believer." The cults themselves are always of a predictable, defineable set of characteristics. One of these characteristics is the element that provide unity, that provide the "sticking power" that holds the cult together and gives a sense of belonging and community. One of the most powerful of these unifying elements is the development of a common enemy, along with an intense hatred for that enemy.

    For the Nazis, the common enemy was the Jews. When visiting Germany in WWII, the Japanese congratulated Hitler on his use of the Jew as the common enemy. "Yes," Hitler said, "If the Jew didn't exist, we'd have to invent him." And it was necessary to develop a virulent hatred for the common enemy. The fires of hatred for the Jew were deliberately fanned by German propagandists, as is well known.

    In today's world, the liberal left, in its religious practice of its utopian vision of society, uses anyone of economic means as the enemy. And it can hardly be denied that the left hates and fans the flames of intolerance and hatred for all who disagree with its precepts. And like Nazis, it is perfectly permissible to hate the enemy, the rich, and to confiscate their property and their lives.

    And, just like its modern-day spiritual counterpart the JWs, the German Reich was to last a "thousand years," as is the expectation of liberal democrats for its coming Utopia - funded by confiscation of the property of the hated rich.

    So today's JWs follow the blueprint developed for their use by their spiritual progenitors - the German Nazi Reich. And the unifying element for JWs today is the hated apostate. Cults cannot survive absent this unifying element, this unreasoning hatred. But, just like their political counterpart, the WTB&TS will ultimately fail due to the weight and destructive, corrosive effect of its hatreds.

    And we will seek to find them, but when we look in their place, they will not be found, for God destroyed them.


  • JanH


    For the Nazis, the common enemy was the Jews. When visiting Germany in WWII, the Japanese congratulated Hitler on his use of the Jew as the common enemy. "Yes," Hitler said, "If the Jew didn't exist, we'd have to invent him."

    I have read a lot of books and texts about and by Hitler, and I have to say it sounds extremely unlikely that Hitler ever said anything like that.

    Do you have any source for this?

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • professor

    Fascinating material! Thank You.

  • TR

    Good job of exposing once again the hypocritical WTS, Norm. Yo JW's, don't it make you proud?!


  • Focus

    JanH wrote:

    For the Nazis, the common enemy was the Jews. When visiting Germany in WWII, the Japanese congratulated Hitler on his use of the Jew as the common enemy. "Yes," Hitler said, "If the Jew didn't exist, we'd have to invent him."
    I have read a lot of books and texts about and by Hitler, and I have to say it sounds extremely unlikely that Hitler ever said anything like that.

    Absolutely, JanH. All the evidence is that Hitler genuinely believed that the Jew was wicked.

    I have seen the words attributed only to dear Joseph Goebbels, the Reich Minister in charge of the "Information" (Propaganda). While the quote may be apocryphal, Goebbels did share more than a first name with 'Da Judge' Rutherford... if you know what I mean.

    (Anti-Defamation League Class)

  • qwerty

    Thanks Norm for the research,

    The WT Law says that anybody that as been Disfellowshipped, D/A or become an Apostate can not be prayed for!
    I like your quote. Pity JW's don't apply Jesus word below!

    *** w95 6/15 5 An End to Hatred Worldwide ***
    Despite being objects of hatred, early Christians resisted the temptation to avenge the injustice. In his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ said: “You heard that it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you.”—Matthew 5:43, 44.


  • sf

    {Up...for the lurkers}

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