Are you making up for lost time?

by JH 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Spending so much time with the dubs, you probably regret losing your presious time with them all those years.

    Are you taking double bites, trying to make up for what you lost?

  • Pleasuredome

    i regret going to assemblies but thats about it. i always caught colds from them. looking back i dont think that time needs to be made up. i think it was right for me then, and what i'm doing now is right for me now. you have to do what your happy to do.

  • Billygoat

    I don't know if I'm necessarily making up for lost time, but I definitely appreciate things more than before. Just a quiet Saturday morning is so precious to me nowadays. Reading a book on my patio or sleeping in with my sweety. Drinking a great bottle of wine or time at church with friends. I find those moments so perfect, whereas 13 years ago, I'd think studying my Watchtower was more important. So I think today it's a matter of making sure I don't waste anymore of my life than I already have.

  • Mystery

    I have.

    I went to bars and got drunk. I went to college; I joined a club and 2nd year was president.

    I took my boys on Easter Eggs hunts when they were still just crawling and them not even knowing what was going on. I hang Christmas lights every year whether my family is in the mood or not. I have kids at my house almost every weekend; I don't have to get up and go in service.

    When my kids were old enough to play sports I became involved with the park and ended up coaching. I fought County Commissioner & the park board to save a pool that they wanted to get rid of; I won; the following year I joined the same board. I served an a board member 3 years.I became President over the entire park. I fought park volunteers, football players and cheerleaders that soccer should be allowed to become part of the park. I won. I have now been coaching 9 years.

    I could never play sports, so i am "living my sports life" thru my sons. They play any/all the sports they want. When they decided to sit out a season, they sit out.

    I am finally slowing down now and relaxing; to the amazement (and approval) of my husband. That is why I found this site; maybe I can put my "demons" to rest.

  • jwbot

    Somewhat, now I do the things I wanted to do, but couldn't.

    I listen to the music I want, I read the books I want, about philosophy and religion too. I also can socialize, that has been the hardest for me, since I grew up not being allowed to, and could only get away when I was 18. I can go to clubs, bars, I learned to dance all sexily... I also have piercings, a tattoo (*gasp!*), have a wonderful boyfriend but I still enjoy a social life. I am getting my education, 3 years down, 5 more to go.... I watch a lot of movies, go every weekend, I also play all them "evil" video games.

    I am not exactly "making up" for lost time, I am doing everything in the amount I would do anyway, but now, I don't have parents around to lock me in the house. So I am not overdoing it by any means. Just finally being a regular person.

  • SpunkyChick
    I also play all them "evil" video games.

    JWbot - too! I LOVE Mortal Combat. I remember when the witnesses lectured us about that game because of the mortalities and blood. What's your fav game?

  • jwbot
    JWbot - too! I LOVE Mortal Combat. I remember when the witnesses lectured us about that game because of the mortalities and blood. What's your fav game?

    When I was starting to play them (late middle school), I played Doom, then Duke Nukem and Quake. At that time, they finally caught on about the evils of red pixels and quoting how bad Doom was had become all the rage. They were still talking about the evils of Doom when I had moved on to Diablo a couple years later. I hated that, if they are going to go on about how evil a computer game is, they might as well actually keep up with what computer games kids were actually playing. Doom was so old by that time. haha!

    I never played console games, computers were just my thing. When I was *really* young, I did play Mortal Combat with my "worldly" cousin who had a Nintendo (I think). It certainly didn't force me into jumping people in the city and cutting their heads off. hehe

  • Maverick

    Yes! I gave that knuckle-headed bunch the most productive years of my life, (24-47), thinking I had forever to do the things I wanted. I have lived more in the last three years than the fifteen previous. I grab opportunities with both hands and go for it! Maverick

  • mattnoel

    I did for a while, made sure I did loads of things that I never would of been allowed to do, I have calmed down a lot now and settled but I love every day knowing that I dont have to go to the meeting tonight, study that WT. To be able to live normally !

  • daydrops

    i cant say i'm making up right now. i guess whats really going on is, for good or bad, my priorities are so different now that i work and survive and love in a much healthier way these days. well, healthier for me. because honestly, i remember being really happy in the truth...untill they kicked me out.

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