God is in no necessity to communicate with mankind

by Ireneus 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Ireneus

    Here is an interesting incident reported in the Bible.

    Judah (the fourth son of Jacob), the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Judah, slept with her daughter-in-law Tamar when she showed herself up as a prostitute in disguise. (Genesis 38:16, 17) “About three months later Judah was told: "Your daughter-in-law Tamar is guilty of prostitution, and as a result she is now pregnant." Judah said, "Bring her out and have her burned to death!" (Genesis 38:24)

    For Judah, going to "a temple prostitute" (Genesis 38:21) is just an ordinary matter fixing a price of a goat! Tamar, daughter-in-law, perfectly guessed if she pretended as a prostitute, her father-in-law would come to her!?

    Yet Judah was believing prostitution was a mortal sin that merited death punishment even before Law was given to mankind! (Genesis 38:24)

    If people would still do what they already knew something as serious as meriting death punishment, what is the use of scriptures? God is in no necessity to communicate with mankind!

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Judah perfectly represents how men have a double standard towards women in the bible. He is also a good representation of the GB condemning other religions "prostituting themselves" with the nations, and they themselves do it. "UN library card" yeah....

  • Vidiot

    "The Bible"...


    ...AKA "The Goat-Herder's Guide to the Galaxy"...

    ...AKA "How to Judge Friends and Unduly Influence People"...

    ...AKA "The Double-Standard Deity"...

  • venus

    Judah's brothers (Simeon and Levi) had already destroyed a city "killing every male" because "Shechem, son of Hamor the Hivite, the ruler of that area" defiled their sister Dinah with the intention of marriage. Even "Hamor and his son Shechem" were also killed. (Genesis 34:25, 26)

    This shows Jacob's sons were known for giving even disproportionate punishment to those who engage in "prostitution" (Gen 34:31). Still Judah engaging in the act of prostitution is inexcusable!

  • Diogenesister

    Also...it's doubly absurd that they "assumed" she had engaged in prostitution. Er....did they not think it was wildly possible, in their pea brained minds, that this lonely widow had just met herself a nice fella?? Oh no...she MUST be a prozzie, ALL women are prozzies, according to the bible.

    Its absurdities like that, more than anything, that PROVE to me these are stories, nothing more.

    NB I do understand that the moral of the story, in the days before pensions, is not to leave women childless and unsupported in their old age.

    But that sort of proves OP'S point; we had morals BEFORE the law.

  • smiddy3

    How come for the first 2000 years since creation God/Jehovah never recorded or had written down by anyone including Noah or any of his sons that historical record ?

    It wasn`t until Moses came on the scene that he supposedly written down accurately the history of the previous 2000 years from who ? Noah and his sons never wrote anything down ,who else did he get this information from, God ? Why would he wait more than 2000 years before he divulged what had transpired beforehand.?

    Does anybody seriously believe that Jehovah God gave Moses word for word what transpired from Creation to the time Moses wrote down the History up until his day ?

    Their is no scripture that supports such a view or even indicates it.

  • venus

    I agree with smiddy3

    An unbiased reading would show that writer of Genesis is struggling to create details, and in his desperation repeating the details already written in small scale into large scale later:

    1) From the promise given to Abraham earlier (“I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted”—Gen 13:16) it is obvious that children would be born through Abraham. Yet we find all unnecessary scenes of Sarah asking Abraham to have child through their maid-servant: Hagar, and then dismissing her and her child later following family problems.

    Later (Geneses 29-31) we find the same drama in larger scale: God is poorly depicted as fueling the competition of Lean and Rachel in giving birth children, and in the process giving the maidservants to their combined husband: Jacob

    2) Abraham is brought out of Chaldeans to “take possession of land” (Genesis 15:7)—a small scale incident.

    Israel is brought out of Egypt to “take possession of land”—a large scale event.

  • Vidiot
    venus - "...God is poorly depicted as fueling the competition of Lean and Rachel in giving birth children, and in the process giving the maidservants to their combined husband: Jacob..."

    Let's be honest.

    This story was just to justify Jake getting it on with multiple women.


  • waton
    How come for the first 2000 years since creation God/Jehovah never recorded or had written down by anyone including Noah or any of his sons that historical record

    How come for the first 30 years nobody was prodded from above to put what was supposed to be the beginning of the final act aka New testament, into writing either?

    let it stew and ferment first?

    PS: it might be all BS, but obviously if there is a creator, he, wants us to retro engineer everything, she knows, there is no better way to learn,-- except through humour.

    Do the psalms not say "--God is laughing--"?

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