Iraqis mad as hell at Al-Jazeera

by dolphman 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • dolphman

    I've heard reports of Al-Jazeera reporters being chased through Baghdad due to their support of Saddam Hussein during the war. Here is a little excerpt from arab

    If not, there will be scorn and derision from the outside world, even from those who were opposed to this war in the first place. Iraqis too will not thank fellow Arabs. The Arab world may end up being more divided then ever as a result. Yesterday’s impromptu demonstration in Baghdad against Al-Jazeera TV station, accused by demonstrators of having been pro-Saddam, suggests that that may be already happening...

    the rest of the article is here:

    What's really interesting about this article is the amount of BACTRACKING these guys in the arab press are doing these days. All they could talk about during the entire war was how this was a war of IMPERIALISM and a CRUSADE pitting christian versus muslim. Now look at what they say:

    The fall of Baghdad is no reason for loss of Arab pride. There is no national Arab humiliation. This is not a war between Arabs and the US, or between a faithful Muslim state and a crusading, militant Christian West

    I think the light is finally dawning on them. To their credit this editorial does start to reconcile some differences, but still, these people can't backpedal fast enough. Goes for a lot of people in the US on the left....

  • outnfree

    Thanks for the link, dolphman! It was an interesting read.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    hmmmm, sounds like they enjoy the taste of eating 'crow'.

    Thanks for the update.

  • Francois

    Dolphman, I really do enjoy with you watching the discomfiture of all the lefties, socialists, neo-Marxists, and others of the "feel good" crowd. I lump them all into the catchall "Hate America Left."

    The press has greatly overplayed the so-called "death of communism" as represented by the fall of the Soviet Union. As far as I know, fully one-quarter of the earth's population languishes under communism in China. I also notice that certain activities commonly known as "capitalist" are now permitted in China. Proving once again the importance, the indispensability of the individual; and with it proving once again social Darwinsim as nothing more than the product of a fevered mind writing in the personal isolation of London in the late 1800s. Collectivism is fine for lemmings, death for humans. This form of political collectivism is little more sophisticated than the religious collectivism of the cultic behavior of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Who leaves the JWs? Have any of you thought about that? Independant people, intelligent people, people to whom honor, and ethics, and real morals have value; strong personalities who are serious thinkers and who act on what they think and feel; people who know their worth and their worthiness and for whom there is no doubt concerning their value either to themselves or to their God, and certainly to their families and their friends and neighbors. In other words, people who did not pop out of the Jehovah's Witness jell-o mold.


  • Simon
    Who leaves the JWs? Have any of you thought about that? Independant people, intelligent people, people to whom honor, and ethics, and real morals have value; strong personalities who are serious thinkers and who act on what they think and feel; people who know their worth and their worthiness and for whom there is no doubt concerning their value either to themselves or to their God, and certainly to their families and their friends and neighbors. In other words, people who did not pop out of the Jehovah's Witness jell-o mold.

    And what has this to do with whether people are left-wing or right-wing?

  • jws
    Dolphman, I really do enjoy with you watching the discomfiture of all the lefties, socialists, neo-Marxists, and others of the "feel good" crowd. I lump them all into the catchall "Hate America Left."

    I guess I'm one of those leftists. Funny how you like to lump them into "hate America". America cannot be a respectable nation without a voice to tell it when it is doing something wrong. It's all the people who fall right in behind whatever the adminstration wants who are the lemmings. The people who aren't free-thinkers. The variety of opinions and evaluation of situations from various angles is what attracts me to the "left". It is the herd mentality of the "right" that drives me away from them.

    As for this here leftist, I'm not sad to see Saddam go. For most of us, we're not saying Saddam is a great guy. We just don't like America deciding who's right and who's wrong and making up the flimsiest of reasons for a reason to depose another leader - especially when the international community who is not blinded by our press and propaganda machines does not agree. On one hand, it's because of WOMD. Where are these WOMD, by the way? I'm still not eating crow on that. Or it's about 9-11. Excuse me. Remember a guy called Osama bin Laden, that we've failed to find and bring to justice? Or was it really Saddam? Did we invade Afghanistan and leave it a mess by mistake? And then it's to liberate the Iraqis, who we now allow to run lawless in the streets. And no, it's not about oil.

    Iraq is now a mess. Looting and lawlessness are widespread, water pipelines have been damaged and areas are in desperate need of water. Why are these things happening? The tide is turning. Many Iraqis who were happy as American tanks rolled in are now blaming the Americans for not doing anything to establish order. Where is the aid for these dear people we travelled thousands of miles to liberate? Guess we don't give a rat's ass about them after all. So why did we care so much about liberating them?

    But with all the looting and lawlessness, guess what? The oil fields are nice and secure. So... why are we there again?

    How America handles things from here on will speak volumes about why they really invaded. Several reasons have been given, although only one was presented to the UN for justification. As you watch in the coming months how America deals with Iraq, see whether it matches up with the reasons you bought into this war. You might have to even write it down to remember why, because most Americans have short memories and the US is rewriting things as they go. It started off to disarm Saddam via regime change. Now the propaganda says it's to liberate Iraq.

    If no WOMD are to be found, how will they spin it? Will they hope by then that the people have forgotten all about WOMD and now buy into the "liberate Iraq" party line? Will they claim that they were there and did exist, but they must have moved them out of the country? Will they claim they need more time to find them? Should the international community come to the aid of Iraq to kick us out if we stay too long? Say, you've had enough time to find them, it's not working, get out - much the way we treated UN inspectors.

    It's kinda like saying somebody has drugs, the police storm in, cut open all the sofas and mattresses, break apart all the furniture, make a total mess of the place. When it's all over, they don't find anything, say, oops, sorry and no, you can't bill us, then leave. Oh, but if you want, we'll fix things up by using money from the sale of your goods. I think that would be a terrible injustice.

    We will see. Us left-wings are not eating crow yet.

  • WildHorses
    America cannot be a respectable nation without a voice to tell it when it is doing something wrong.

    jw, that's just it. Who's to say what is right or wrong? What is wrong to some, may not be wrong to someone else. No matter which way you look at it there is always going to be friction.

  • foreword

    Yeah, why don't you guys go liberate N. Korea now...

    Oh well, we used most of our bombs in Iraq......hey, we still have those nukes laying around (and getting old too).....and they got some time....we'll love you for the show that's for sure.

  • SloBoy

    Personally, I wouldn't be sending out all the " WE'VE WON !! " party invitations just yet.

  • Realist


    quick question....what is it with you and lefties, socialists, neo-Marxists?

    it seems everyone who is not for completely uncontrolled capitalism is a marxist to you....why is that?

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