Can U Draft an Affidavit of yr JW experience? It would help....

by ISP 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    I've requested this elsewhere but I think its important.

    They are needed to build up a picture to those outside of what the WTS is all about. The full import of this will become apparent soon. Its not a class action and the documents will not be used without your express permission. It is for an important project nevertheless.

    In the UK, an affidavit can be sworn in the local county court free of charge. If you use a solicitor it will cost about £10. If you want help drafting it, let me know. I am sure I can assist! Just send me an email. A sworn affidavit has a presumption of truth attached to it. It will be regarded as factual and counts for more than anecdotes etc.

    For the purposes of this project I am interested in your JW experience. It doesn't have to be spectacular. If it simply concluded that during the years you spent in the WTS you saw little or no charitable works being done...that would be of interest. It maybe a great deal worse than that in terms of substantive issues. So if you have a tale to tell.....tell it know! People in general do not know how bad the WTS is.


  • mattnoel

    Here is my story

    Please let me know how I can help ! I would be more than happy to do this. I am in the UK but will need help in drafting it.

    Let me know !

  • Dansk

    Hi ISP,

    If I can help, I'll give you one. I never saw my congregation give - always TAKE, TAKE, TAKE! They even took my daughters!!


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