by wildfire 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wildfire

    HI GANG..... I havent posted for quite a while but I thought you would like to know that all the tests and brain scans ( not the brain washing kind... already done that ) have revealed that I have FIBRO MY ALGIA,,,,, AND NOT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS like I thought I had .... Bo y am I glad those tests came back negative........

    So as many of you know there is no cure for this disease ,,,, except pain meds and exercise....... its symptoms are fatigue,,, sleeping problems...many sore spots on your neck and legs...... and so everyday i go for a walk at our local Mall and it seems to be helping me alot .... I am trying to keep a positive attitude and stay away from meetings and soo---called friends I used to have....... now I have all of way leads to diamonds ,, one way leads to gold... another way leads toeverything youre told... in your heart you wonder which one of these is true...when you find the answer in in all your journeys you may travel far ,, pilgrim its along way to find out who you are.,........... SHALOM MY FRIENDS.. ALWAYS

  • Mulan

    I had that several years ago. It's gone now. It can go away. Very painful and debilitating while it lasted though. I had terrible headaches and low back pain, and shooting muscle pains in my legs, low grade fevers and sore throats too. (Chronic Fatigue syndrome also)

    I didn't use pain meds, except a little Ibuprofen from time to time. I built up my immune system and added a good mineral supplement, on top of all the other things I took. After a few months of loading up on good stuff, it started to go away, and it never came back. (that was in 1993) I still take the supplements.

    Back in 1993, my doctor told me it would last about two years and that I couldn't do anything about it. I didn't believe him. Medically, I don't think there is anything, but pain drugs. I just think there is always something you can do to try and make it go away.

  • berylblue

    I feel for you. I have that as well. Have had it for a long time. It is a little better than when it started, but it's pretty bad nonetheless. Take good care of yourself, please.


  • Utopian_Raindrops


    I have Fybromyalgia/Cronic Fatigue.

    It’s a horrible disease and while I was a dub it was worse then now. When I found out “The Truth” about “The Troof” I became more feverish, achy, throat so sore it was hard to swallow!

    I am evening out now and as Mulan said it can go away.

    Although in my case it seems to go away and return even with supplements.

    Exercise is the best medicine for it as long as you’re eating healthy.

    Caffeine, refined sugar, and refined flour are the worst for this condition causing more fatigue and pain. Also, Hydrogenated oils are also bad. Olive oil and safflower oil are good.

    Hanging out with ridiculers is really bad for it as they add to your struggle to just finish your day.

    I know Mulan sells supplements or something so maybe she has something she can recommend.

    I go on 3-day fasts regularly and I have a 12-day cleansing diet routine that depending on how I feel I do about 3 times a year. Although can be done up to 6 times a year.

    Some of the herbal teas I mix contain Fenugreek seed, Echinacea, Eleuthero root, Chamomile Flowers, Catnip Leaves, Tilia Flowers….etc.

    Don’t go mixing Herbs without reading up and taking a class (or 2 or 3), as they can be lethal.

    All your B vitamins including Folic acid are important as well potassium believe it or not. Potassium is great for the pain so remember this as bananas are a high sugar food and you’ll find sugars even natural ones bring you down. I love Fruits as apposed to Vegetables but found broccoli and other greens are my friend. Lemons are great though any low sugar fruit is great.

    If you eat meat try to eat more Fish and Fowl. (I love steak so I do cheat)

    It’s funny when I focus on the diet exercise routine I am often more energetic then so-called healthy people! But I do have relapses as your mood can affect your bio chemical make up. Thus learning how Corrupt and False The WTBS is was a real physical blow.

    I got my Fybro/Cronic Fatigue from a car accident in which they thought I was to die…..then as I made myself move they thought I wouldn’t walk with out aid…..then although I walked with all the new physical symptoms and the finding of soft tissue damage (Something doctors about never check for) I was told I’d never lead a normal life…that I’d always need sleep aids and pain medication…steroids….etc…..I take NO DRUGS what so ever. I do have bad days though but at least I am grounded in reality and not a medicated world. (Or a controlling manipulative cult world)

    {{{{{{hugz}}}}}} Wildfire I can say from experience that everything will be OK and I can tell from you post that you already have things in check now that you have a diagnosis.

    Gotta Luvz Yaz Gurl Friend…..



  • gold_morning

    I'm surprised how many of us have fybro and chronic fatigue!!

    I have it likewise. In the early 80's (after getting disfellowshiped) I came down with a bad case of chronic fatigue. This past year it flared up again pretty bad and they said it was fybro. I too take vitimans,

    I find it interesting that they now feel this is caused by chemicals in our enviorment and STRESS!!

    I hope you all feel better. I know that being stress free is of even more importance than extra rest.

    agape love, gold_moring

  • Mulan

    Great information here. Absolutely correct about the oils. I only used olive oil for cooking, and I used real butter (in moderation).

    There is some evidence that it can be caused by parasites too. I do a parasite cleanse twice a year. It's time again. Comes up fast...............every six months.

    The main thing I took was a blue-green algae product called Chloroplasma. If anyone is interested, send me an email. [email protected] I sell the parasite cleanse too. (wholesale always)

    I also pretty much eliminated red meat, and sugar, but I still drank coffee. I'm an addict!

  • Francois

    It's very easy to just take pain meds for fibro, but it's not a good idea. I know quite a few people who took/take pain meds for it and now that the fibro is gone, they're addicted big time to the pain meds, which is a bigger problem than the fibro.

    Suggest you do everything possible to avoid the pain meds. To be effective, they have to be some form of opiod. And that one word should strike terror into your heart. Some people are never able to get that monkey off their back.

    Take it easy. Go slow.


  • nowisee

    there is an excellent book dealing with this subject: "fibromyalgia & chronic myofascial pain syndrome - a survival manual" by devin starlanyl, md, and mary ellen copeland, ms, ma. isbn l-57224-046-6. devin starlanyl herself suffers from this and her book is comprehensive.

    there are many things that can help this condition, but you must be pro-active.

    best wishes, nowisee

  • DJ

    I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia too. I know wayyyy to many people who have been as well. Sometimes, I wonder if the doc's are having some sort of a sale on it. You know, like an end of the year clearance? ok bad joke. I was relieved to be given a name for it too. It validated me somehow. I have found that calcium works wonders for me. It relieves the muscle aches and is good for me anyway. I do find it very odd that tons and tons or JW women are diagnosed with it. My mom and sister and about 25 women in their congregation. Seems as though stress enters in somewhere, big time. I do seem to be worse in the second half of my monthly cycle. Funny, both times that I was pregant, it totally went away! The doc's said that it happens all the time. So, I have officially concluded that hormones must play a major role. The headaches and brain fog are a real pain in the #@#! I find that only motrin ib takes my killer headaches away. I have to make sure that I get enough sleep or the brain fog kicks in big time. Sometimes I feel like I am a 90 yr. old woman.....wouldn't know it to look at me. Be very cautious about taking antidepressants in the SSRI category. Doctors give them to women like candy. Paxil and celexa are two very difficult drugs to get off of. Major withdrawl symptoms but the doctors will tell you that is wrong. Go to and you will see what I mean. I went thru that a few years ago from celexa and they say that paxil is the worst.

    What works for me wildfire, is getting proper sleep, eating properly, getting exercise and taking a good multivitamin w/ minerals and of course the coral calcium and the motrin when I have to......In other words, it is different for everyone. It is a syndrome w/ many different symptoms from day to day and week to week, etc. Just take care of yourself and I strongly suggest the calcium. 1200 mg. per day. Sorry to have to welcome you to the ranks but I am glad that it isn't what you feared. I see how you would think that though, the muscle tightness thing is horrible......try that coral calcium sweetie and a hot bath........take care. Love, Dj

    p.s. watch out for the cure-all hype on the net.

  • Trauma_Hound

    My Mom has that, she also had Bells Palsy that lasted about a month from it, it looked like she had a stroke, fortunatly she didn't.

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