ESL Teaching in Russia by JWs

by OrphanCrow 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • OrphanCrow

    A while back, I had stumbled on some information about the JWs infiltrating Russia and China by using the ESL teaching networks. My son teaches English in China so I found these forum posts especially interesting.

    When it comes to researching about teaching ESL in foreign countries, the forums are your most valuable resource. I had considered doing it - back in another life...going somewhere and teaching English. I am TESEL certified.

    This is what I found first:

    Toffee Hammer Pants Jack Hammer - 2012-07-12
    The Exodus of Religious Cult Members to Russia

    Most of the people that go to China and Russia go under the pretext as missionaries for their Churhces, Cults and Sects, this is especially true concerning EF and their support of the Jehovah's Witness Watchtower Cult [which is now banned in Russia].

    These people dont go to experience culture, learn a new language, but to push their own culture and views down the throats of others, and there a great nimber of JW's that work for Ivor Galea of EF Moscow Corporate.

    But, Russia has now taken steps to ban Jehovah's Witnesses, and some have been deported.

    So, if you really are a teacher and going to any one of these lands, then you have a duty to your employer to give your very level best and to contribute to the growth of the land. Its not what the land can do for you, but what you can do for it. You must also respect and obey the laws of the land.

    I could name names [Galea for one] who are all part of some religious Cult or Sect in Russia, but what would it achieve, but Galea, being a Christian [so called] should act like one and stop telling lies, and doing what is right [regardles of the costs] instead of looking after himself and the interests of his company.

    But, I guess that asking this of Galea [and Co Inc] is like asking a bear [and there are many of them in Russia] to shit in a toilet.

    These people should take a long hard look at themselves and ask what it is they really do believe in, because whatever it is, its not anything to do with people. Teaching is a people centred business, and from what I have seen so far people dont figure into any of the business that Galea and others like him potray themselves to be.

    I made note of this: "a great nimber of JW's that work for Ivor Galea of EF Moscow Corporate" and then I found this:

    Toffee Hammer Pants Jack Hammer - 2012-07-11
    Re: Ivor Galea English First Moscow

    Despite what Jason and Srah have written on other threads, there is no staff cohesion like they paint it, everyone keeps themselves pretty much to themselves, and there is no staff training as they say. This company is bad news, so bad that firms and clients choose to use other schools due to the poor service that EF Moscow Corporate provides.

    As bad as Galea is, and as smooth talking he is, I cant say he has a direct role in laundering or drug trafficking, but he knows about it [for sure]. This is Russia. There are people there on that top floor milking the company and they have no function there whatsoever. Its a funny set up.

    EF Moscow is a company that [like all other companies] is treading water before it goes belly up. It gives the impression that all is ok, they even invite people from abroad to come and work, but its on its knees, it has no money, it is just deluding all those that are a part of the scam.

    You got to be really careful, and if you do take a contract, do not take Galea at face value, but be really cautious, ask lots of questions.

    He showed me a map of Russia once and said something how all "their" people were spread over Russia. EF has no other schools, but he was talking about "his" people from the British Establishment.

    Do some research of your own, make up your own minds, but be really careful, get a lawyer to examine your contract before signing, and keep all receipts of what ypu have paid for.

    Galea may be protected by Russia, but not by authorities in Britain. He is still a British subject and still subject to the law of Britain.

    #2 ParentToffee Hammer Pants Jack Hammer - 2012-07-10
    Re: Ivor Galea English First Moscow

    Drug Traffiking and money laundering is true. There are people there on the top floor workinf for EF who do nothing and have no function. Rumour is that it is Mafia and they are there on the "take" and using the operation for something else. There was a Police raid there on December 13th 2010. The Police cleared the building and the offices and had all the teachers up against the wall [at gun point]. Police dont do things like this for no reason.

    Galea is bad news. He is a liar, a thief and a cheat. He is a company man, but I wonder if the parent company of EF would approve of what he is involved in?

    EF have lost all their clients. Henkel, one of their clients [in N. West] Moscow no longer wanted their services because the service and teachers providing it was so very poor and bog standard.

    The danger of coming to Russia cannot be stressed enough. They dont care. They have no values or principles and their education system is just as bad as that in the UK, USA and Europe, except that the kids in Moscow dont have guns and knives yet.

    If you are interested in hegalian diglectic, the come to Russia and you will see it in action. These people lie, cheat and steal, and they do it without batting an eyelid. They have no conscience whatsoever. Maybe you will understand now why Britain and the USA are very reluctant to do business with Russia because of these very practices.

    Galea is a dangerous dude. He's protected here, but not in the UK.

    All I can do is warn you all to be really very careful, because it could be more than your salary that will be at stake if you fuck around with this guy and the gansters he rubs shoulders with, and there is no protection. Please be warned [especially if you are female].

    And this:

    Ivor Galea English First Moscow

    Category: International School Black List
    Published: 08 July 2012
    Hits: 4800

    Blacklisted: Ivor Galea English First MoscowBeware of this school, they operate on Russian standards [which is bog standard]. They will lie, cheat and steal to get their own way and will say they have shelled out costs when in actual fact they havent. Keep you Bank Statements as proof for the costs you have paid which this company will say they have paid.

    They are a bunch of unprofessionals [cowboys] and have lost many customers around Moscow into the bargain.

    They are not English run, but Russian run and operate on Russian mafia standards which will also include threats being made to your personal safety. Galea will profit personally from you and pocket your costs at all costs.

    Galea is also an agent for the local Embassy, so this shows how everything is run. The guy is great at telling lies and tells lies like there is no and can be no tomorrow. Be really very careful with this company and this guy. They are serious gangsters.

    Be really very careful, be warned.


    They most definitely have gone to China under the guise of teaching - especially English. I happen to know Bethelites from South Africa who are there now for exactly this purpose. They have been trained in how to unobtrusively integrate into the local society and start "networks" of close friendships. One group are teaching at a University there - on a salary [tax free of their home country too]

  • OrphanCrow

    Afrikanman, the JWs are so hypocritical, aren't they?

    I have always had the impression that the WT just loves all the skulduggery and sneaking around in banned countries. I think they love it because they love not having to fill in those pesky tax returns - they like being able to deal with illegal or banned money.

    They get all excited and think that their special religion plays out like a spy novel of some kind - JWs in the superhero role.

    The JWs are whining and squawking to the UN and whoever else that will listen about their religious rights. They have even recruited children to write letters, saying...."we just want to be able to worship and Russia is being mean!"

    But they will never be honest about all the dishonest and illegal behavior they have done in order to move money out of Russia (ESL teachers can be handy for couriers). The ESL teachers think they are there for some exciting 'spy' activity in a dangerous place, and that their mission is to count the number of times they get away with whispering "Jehovah". When really, their biggest job of all is to get money back over the border and out of Russia.

    Missionary activity has been illegal in Russia for some time now - not just for JWs. It applies to all those Bible/Koran thumping religions that like to get into places and stir up people under the guise of "oh...just religion! just god!".

    The JWs in Russia have been breaking the law and engaging in illegal activity for a long time. And we are not just talking about sliding bibles in over the border. They have operated their organization like you would a spy agency and then they wonder what Russia is pissed about.

  • rebel8

    This is more evidence of the cult's predatory nature.

    These ESL "classes" are no better than the sinister Narcanon of Scientology.

    BTW I "taught English" for a short time, using wts publications, as an easy way to meet my pioneer hours quota (which I still failed to do lol). The wts used to have publications designed for this specific purpose.

  • OrphanCrow
    rebel8: This is more evidence of the cult's predatory nature.

    And speaking of predatory...what about those vultures that hover around JW patients and intervene in their medical care?

    This ban against the JWs in Russia is going to shut down their entire Hospital Information Services in Russia. No more HLC for the JWs and no more choosing the WT approved "alternative" procedures, or, I should more doctors facing pressure from HLC guys who don't know their ass from a....okay I will stop now.

  • OrphanCrow

    Back to the topic...ESL scamming and the WT.

    I think it is ironic that this poster, ToffeeHammerPantsJackHammer, is convinced that the ESL school is Mafia and is involved in drug trafficking, etc. (and they could be...who knows what they do?) Criminal for sure.

    And yet, when you read his observations, you realize that what he is describing is a WT operation. Stripped down bare, without the religious camouflage, this is what WT looks like - bolding/italics added by me:

    there is no staff cohesion like they paint it, everyone keeps themselves pretty much to themselves, and there is no staff training as they say. This company is bad news, so bad that firms and clients choose to use other schools due to the poor service that EF Moscow Corporate provides.
    As bad as Galea is, and as smooth talking he is, I cant say he has a direct role in laundering or drug trafficking, but he knows about it [for sure]. This is Russia. There are people there on that top floor milking the company and they have no function there whatsoever. Its a funny set up.
    EF Moscow is a company that [like all other companies] is treading water before it goes belly up. It gives the impression that all is ok, they even invite people from abroad to come and work, but its on its knees, it has no money, it is just deluding all those that are a part of the scam.
    You got to be really careful, and if you do take a contract, do not take Galea at face value, but be really cautious, ask lots of questions.
    He showed me a map of Russia once and said something how all "their" people were spread over Russia. EF has no other schools, but he was talking about "his" people from the British Establishment.

    This Russian company that 'employs' the JW ESL teachers (aka-missionaries) is so shady that it is thought to be criminal:
    Drug Traffiking and money laundering is true. There are people there on the top floor workinf for EF who do nothing and have no function. Rumour is that it is Mafia and they are there on the "take" and using the operation for something else. There was a Police raid there on December 13th 2010. The Police cleared the building and the offices and had all the teachers up against the wall [at gun point]. Police dont do things like this for no reason

    That must have been a raid on them because the police knew they were a WT front company.

  • rebel8

    You find the most interesting things.

    Seriously, I hope this gets the attention it deserves.

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