The best advice I can offer to those trying to meet people and get a new social circle after leaving JW's.

by EndofMysteries 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • EndofMysteries

    If like me, when you left the KH, your ENTIRE social network was gone.

    How do you meet people of the opposite sex or make new friends, etc?

    Clubs, bars? Not unless just looking for hookups.

    I like dancing and had started going to dances, made friends and started getting a social network again. Shortly after I at least had friends and people for when I wanted to go dancing.

    I also liked theme parks, etc, but could never get my dancing friends to go, so with that I was alone and nobody to join me. But then I found out about events, facebook groups, etc, and after going to a few I made friends and added more to my social circle as well, now I had people to share that interest of mine. Some liked both that and dancing!

    So figure out things you really like to do and look into groups or events for those things, also use social media and look into local groups for those as well. As you do things you like and enjoy you'll meet people who share those interests and you'll already have something in common then!

  • Daniel1555

    Some very good advice. Thank you.

    In my case I made some really good friends at my working place.

    One good friend was the new person renting my former apartment when I left the apartment. We had a lot of sympathy, I told him my story and we kept in contact.

    In general I made the experience that it is important to take the action and invite friendly people to your home or ask them to do something together.

    It for sure needs time and is not easy for a shy person but it is worth the effort.

  • Xanthippe
    Good advice EoM. The meetup website is a good idea. Through it I recently joined a local group that go to pub quizzes. I like quizzes and as it's in a pub we can have a drink which helps everyone relax. Our team won the quiz last week and we came out with more money than we paid which was fun.
  • Petraglyph

    Also take a look at:


  • Vidiot
    Karaoke night.
  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness is a great idea

    go to your local library, and join a book discussion group

  • krejames
    Great advice, EndOfMysteries.

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