Desperate plea for help with my comedy routine

by berylblue 6 Replies latest social humour

  • berylblue

    Okay, everyone. I have to have a final routine by Wednesday. I am at the point in my routine where I'm saying that after my husband left, I didn't know what to do with myself, so I became a JW. I go into how it was confusing for me, as an ex Catholic, I used to knock on people's doors and invite them to bingo (first question: does this work? Is it funny enough? What else could I say?) But then I want to say that I was disfellowshipped, but I need it to be for something really ridiculous. Any suggesions? Please?



    ..Yeah the bingo line works..The d/f joke may,or may not work depending on who your playing to..What sort of crowd are you playing to?...OUTLAW

  • avishai

    How 'bout a jw arguing w/ a buddhist?

    JW: Don't you want to live forever?

    Buddhist: No that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid! And on from there.

    Also, use service as a segue for "biblical material"


    Y'know, king David was crazy. It's not just crazy that he went after all 100 Philistine foreskins, I'ts that he was able to get 'em. After the first one or two, those guys are just gonna run. "Yo, man, that's one crazy hebrew, stay away from that dude."

    Why did david have to get 'em? Well, saul said "You don't getta marry my daughter til you bring me a hundred. So, basically, David was sexually frustrated. Why did Saul want em? He wanted a wallet you could rub, it'd turn into a suitcase.

  • berylblue

    ...posts hung out in cyberspace until the posting limit time was up...hence the double post.

    However, that was really good stuff. I can't use it, however; it has to be kept relatively clean. Someone in my class wanted to try something similar, and was shot down by the instructor, in whose club we will perform.

    I don't know the audience, really. Since it is in a predominantly upper-class whjte town, my guess would be college educated professionals. The age group, I am not sure of. Since the students in my class are bringing a lot of guests, and my classmates are all younger, a lot of the audience should be in their 30s. That's my guess, anyway.

    Thanks, everyone.


    And how do I put a frigging picture up in my profile ? I get error message after error message.

  • bebu

    I think before you go to the disfellowshipping part, you should linger just a little and relate some of the comedy that is apparent to non-jws, like changing doctrines (most know that it is a doomsday cult that hasn't produced a fulfilled prophecy yet). A quip or 2 can do it. That's not over the audience's head, and besides being instructive and a prophylactic, it is funny because of the intense irony. You won't have to say too much about explaining why you were really disfellowhiped (it'd be obvious), and you could help them appreciate the humor in your disfellowshiping joke even better.

    BTW, I read once long ago that the WT made some comments reminding people that their pets were also expected to abstain against blood. A woman wrote them, worried about her cat's habit of killing and eating unbled birds, and how was she to be able to keep the animal from doing this natural, instinctive action. The WT wrote back, telling her she would need to keep better track of her animals. This is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard, and it might be adaptable. Even if untrue, it has a ring of truth to it... (I think I read this in a book by Jean Eason, and this was her own friend's experience.)

    Have fun, whatever you do! ;)


  • ApagaLaLuz

    You might want to use the word ex-cummunicated or shunned instead of disfellowshipped. How about you were disfellowshipped for making jokes about going door to door inviting people to bingo

  • jgnat

    Did you ask twice? There is some hilarious stuff posted here

    Well, at least I think I am funny....

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