Satan & Disasters

by Hadriel 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hadriel

    Was told by someone that a receipt article eluded to the fact that Satan can cause natural disasters. I don't see how i could have missed this. Doesn't anyone remember this? The said it was recent in the past few months.

    Thx in advance.

  • Simon

    I haven't seen the article - I can't bring myself to read that stuff anymore.

    But in general I can see how this would be a convenient claim for theists - they think it's an explanation for "why do terrible things happen in the world". Of course it still leaves a supposedly omnipotent, omniscient and loving god allowing it to happen and at the same time people who credit god with "good things" ... why can he make some things happen but not others?

    (the "good things" are usually helping someone win a tennis match or an oscar - something someone was pretty guaranteed to win LOL)

  • Hadriel
    But in general I can see how this would be a convenient claim for theists - they think it's an explanation for "why do terrible things happen in the world". Of course it still leaves a supposedly omnipotent, omniscient and loving god allowing it to happen and at the same time people who credit god with "good things" ... why can he make some things happen but not others?

    Boom this is the very reason why I was asking. I thought wow how convenient.

  • talesin

    I found one that sounds familiar: "Q&A: Ask a Bible Teacher"

    [bold mine]

    All this can be laid at Satan’s feet. I don’t think that means Satan specifically conjures up every disaster, but I do believe they’re the consequence of his destructive work. The fact is the creation is no longer perfect, and the flaws that have been introduced as a result of sin cause storms, earthquakes, floods, droughts and other so-called natural disasters to happen periodically.

    If left alone, these flaws would eventually tear the world apart, but before that can happen, God will intervene and restore the creation to its pre-flood condition (Acts 3:21). The indication that this time of restoration is near is that the disasters we’re experiencing are becoming more frequent and are causing more devastation than they have in the past.

  • smiddy

    That`s right , blame all the disasters whether they be natural ,on Satan the Devil , never mind if they be believers in Christendom , or Jehovah`s Witnesses who are affected by death , injury ,or whatever.

    How come Jehovah / Jesus Christ never protects his people ? , Christians who havent been contacted yet by Jehovah`s Witnesses or Long standing faithful Jehovah`s Witnesses., all who die from these natural disasters,and not only natural disasters but accidents. Accidents that could be prevented by divine intervention.if Jesus Christ was really ruling as king as Jehovah`s representative.

    Hasn`t Jesus Christ been ruling in heaven since 1914 ? What is he doing ? or more importantly , NOT doing.?


  • lurkernomore

    Wouldn't be much of a 'Natural' disaster if it was caused by a super human power.

    It was always 'time and unforseen occurrence befalls us all', whenever it came up in any conversation or meetings I attended, with a little Satan using these to try our faith thrown in for good measure.

  • GoneAwol

    You don't see theists litigating against insurance companies for `acts of god`.

    If they truly believed satan was behind some natural disaster, wouldn't they complain of religious intolerance if their payout was stopped?

    Natural disaster. Clue`s in the name...

  • talesin

    Insurance companies don't usually pay out for 'acts of God' unless you have a specific flood insurance or whatever is needed (for which coverage you pay dearly).

    I posted the *one* site that agrees with JWS. I found 5 others that says Satan has nothing to do with it. It is God's creations, and he controls the earth. They are so-called 'acts of God' on most of the Xtian sites I visited. xx

  • ttdtt

    You have to understand that when Adam sinned - he didn't just become imperfect it had ripple effects.

    The straw eating lions, the kelp eating sharks, the orange juice eating mosquitoes all became... you know carnivores.

    Also the Earth's crust was now imperfect seeking its own longing and under satan's control, so thus earthquakes.

    And that went double for the weather - boy did it become rebellious!!

    Even the MOON was effected, it started pulling away from gods green earth at about 3cm a year!

    Satan got all things to rebel from our loving dog jehober.


  • biblexaminer

    According to Watchtower, Jesus is the cause of all the suffering on Earth. They teach as doctrine, that Jesus is using earthquakes, pestilence, war and any other suffering as a 'calling card' to demonstrate that he is secretly lurking in Earth's neighborhood.

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