Why Religion is Outdated in the 21st Century - Lawrence Krauss

by Finkelstein 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    Listen to Lawrence's thoughts on why humanity is better off to live within scientific information and knowledge than live within regulated ancient religious beliefs as a base for human sociological direction..


  • waton

    Thanks for linking. I absolutely agree that science is the way to go to arrive at a good plan for the future, personally and as a race.

    Where he is off is, when he states that there is no rule making/makers in science; it is also a tightly controlling hierarchy, and dismisses too easily ideas from those not "anointed". and

    His book " A universe from nothing" only establishes that there really is, and never was such thing as nothing.

  • Finkelstein

    I'm with you on that Waton

  • Finkelstein

    Krauss asserts that energy was the source that created the universe, well where did this energy originate from ?

    energy is something.

  • cofty
    His book " A universe from nothing" only establishes that there really is, and never was such thing as nothing.

    Did you read the book? I did and came to the opposite conclusion. The total energy in the universe is zero.

    I am no longer convinced that religion does not have a positive role to play in society. I think Dawkins and Krauss are too simplistic.

    Jonathan Haidt has some very interesting observations about this in his book, The Righteous Mind.

    The challenge is how you replace the potential benefits of religion without lying to yourselves about reality.

  • waton
    The total energy in the universe is zero. cofty.

    read it at least twice, like wt, there is new light in later editions. (really great book), but

    here is the something to think about: :

    In the pre BB, just as now in the universe, there is supposed to be a balance amounting to zero, from "negative" energy and positive. Energy and gravity. but that implies that there are two entities that counter balance, on the weighing balance or equations. so, the cross sum of these 2 energies whatever is, is not zero but two. Prof . Kraus redefined "nothing" to mean two balancing kind of energies.

    Energy is un-created and it needs time to exist in.so: both are fundamental. and on

    Morality: The writer of "Paul's " letters (Rom 2:14) made an interesting statement agreeing with Krauss' point about science - derived morality: " The nations know by instinct what is right"; instinct being an automatic response honed by eons of evolution to function now.

  • Vidiot
    Finklestein - "...where did this energy originate from?"

    Did it absolutely have to originate from somewhere?

  • waton
    Did it absolutely have to originate from somewhere? V

    the word "where" implies space, to call our own, and there was none 14 billion years ago, even 5 billions for our planet (that is why Gen 1:1 is wrong)

    No, it does have not to originate at all, if energy can nor be created; if it always was.

    Our available energy come through a point, a point in time. or timespace /spacetime.

  • Finkelstein

    To assert that energy was always there is speculative theory without any proven evidence.

    Sure you may be able to make it into a mathematical equation to produce a ending result that doesn't make the equation true to fact.

  • waton
    Sure you may be able to make it into a mathematical equation to produce a ending result. Fs

    The Equations providing for indestructible energy, like Einstein's e= mxc^2 have been proven by experiments, done on live humans.

    Many theorists, Dirac, Penrose, maintain that the Universe too, was made from, or converted to matter from energy that existed prior to the big bang event, energy that existed uncreated. just existed. period.

    Equations are rigorous science. when applied, resulting in real results

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