Letter from Brazilian Branch: Buildings

by TheTruthBR 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheTruthBR
    This letter will be read in all the congregations of Brazil on the Service Meeting this week.
    (Google Translation - original available)
    Prezados Irmãos:
    Não há dúvida de que Jeová tem abençoado ricamente seu povo no mundo inteiro. Isso fica evidente
    no aumento do número de publicadores e no notável progresso espiritual de nossa organização. (Isaías 60:22)
    Para que nossa obra continue avançando, o Corpo Governante nos deu algumas orientações específicas que
    gostaríamos de compartilhar com vocês.
    Conforme destacado no programa de maio da TV JW, o Corpo Governante está empenhado em
    fazer o melhor uso possível dos recursos da organização. Entre outras coisas, isso envolve tomar
    providências para que o valor das despesas não ultrapasse o valor dos donativos recebidos. Além disso, em
    muitos lugares os campos ainda estão “brancos para a colheita”. (João 4:35) Assim, precisamos dar
    prioridade, como organização, para as atividades de pregação e ensino.
    Para alcançar esses objetivos, o Corpo Governante decidiu suspender todos os projetos de construção
    e reforma de Salões de Assembleias e diminuir o ritmo da construção de Salões do Reino. Além disso, será
    necessário reduzir o número de irmãos que servem nas diversas modalidades de serviço de tempo integral
    especial, incluindo betelitas, pioneiros especiais e membros de equipes de construção.
    A maioria dos servos de tempo integral especial afetados por essa mudança será designada para o
    campo e incentivada a servir como pioneiros regulares. Dessa forma, esses irmãos e irmãs leais poderão usar
    a valiosa experiência que adquiriram para apoiar a obra de pregação. Não queremos que ninguém tenha a
    impressão de que eles estão saindo do serviço de tempo integral especial por terem deixado a desejar em seu
    trabalho. Pelo contrário, nós amamos esses irmãos e valorizamos muito todo o serviço dedicado que eles
    No passado, os discípulos de Jesus também receberam uma designação que testou sua fé. Ao lembrá-
    los dessa ocasião, Jesus perguntou: “Quando os enviei sem bolsa de dinheiro, sem bolsa de provisões e sem
    sandálias, será que lhes faltou alguma coisa?” Eles responderam: “Não!” (Luc. 22:35) Sem dúvida Jeová
    agirá da mesma forma em nossos dias com aqueles que colocaram os interesses do Reino em primeiro lugar
    na vida. Ao mesmo tempo, confiamos que Jeová continuará a providenciar o necessário para Sua obra, assim
    como fez até agora. — Provérbios 3:5-7; Ageu 2:7, 8.
    O escravo fiel e prudente é o instrumento usado por Jeová para direcionar sua organização segundo
    sua vontade. Assim, estamos certos de que essas informações os motivarão a apoiar essas mudanças por
    priorizar ainda mais a pregação das boas novas e por apoiar a Obra Mundial por meio de seus donativos.
    Estejam certos de nosso caloroso amor cristão.
  • TheTruthBR
    Dear Brothers:
    There is no doubt that Jehovah has richly blessed his people worldwide. This is evident
    the increase in the number of publishers and remarkable spiritual progress of our organization. (Isaiah 60:22)
    So that our work continues to advance, the Governing Body gave us some specific guidelines
    we would like to share with you.
    As highlighted in May of JW TV program, the Governing Body is committed to
    make the best use of organizational resources. Among other things, this involves taking
    see to it that the amount of expenses does not exceed the value of donations received. Furthermore, in
    many places the fields are still "white for harvesting." (John 4:35) Thus, we need to
    priority as an organization for the activities of preaching and teaching.
    To achieve these goals, the Governing Body decided to suspend all construction projects
    and reform Meetings Rooms and slow down the construction of Kingdom Halls. Moreover, it will be
    necessary to reduce the number of brothers serving in various forms of full-time service
    special, including Bethelites, special pioneers and members of construction crews.
    Most special full-time servants affected by this change will be assigned to the
    field and encouraged to serve as regular pioneers. Thus, those brothers and sisters loyal can use
    the valuable experience we have acquired to support the preaching work. I do not want no one to
    impression that they are going out of special full-time service for failing to be desired in its
    Work. On the contrary, we love these brothers and greatly appreciate all the dedicated service they
    In the past, Jesus' disciples were also given an assignment that tested their faith. To remind
    them that occasion, Jesus asked: "When we sent you without purse, no provisions bag and without
    sandals, did lacked something "they said," No! "(Luke 22:35.) Surely Jehovah
    will act the same way today with those who put Kingdom interests first
    in life. At the same time, we trust that Jehovah will continue to provide the necessary for his work, as well
    as he has done so far. - Proverbs 3: 5-7; Hag 2: 7, 8.
    The faithful and wise servant is the instrument used by Jehovah to direct his second organization
    your will. So we are sure that this information will motivate them to support these changes by
    even more priority to preaching the good news and support the World work through their donations.
    Be assured of our warm Christian love.
  • stuckinarut2
    "Keep warm and well fed" (On your own) James 2:16
  • Dagney

    In the past, Jesus' disciples were also given an assignment that tested their faith. To remind
    them that occasion, Jesus asked: "When we sent you without purse, no provisions bag and without
    sandals, did lacked something "they said," No! "(Luke 22:35.) Surely Jehovah
    will act the same way today with those who put Kingdom interests first
    in life. At the same time, we trust that Jehovah will continue to provide the necessary for his work, as well
    as he has done so far.

    Erm..."Jehober" didn't "act." People who worked and had resources to give acted. I always have to remind JW's about that.

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    LOL, Why don't we all just move into the WT headquarters. We seem to get all the secret correspondence before the Elders and CO's. There's nothing they do in secret that we don't get a leaked letter just minutes after it's printed.

    Image result for riding horse to deliver mail pics

  • wifibandit
    Wow. Today is going to be called Bloody Thursday. Everyone is getting the Ax in WT land.
  • freemindfade


    its crazy the ripples begin...

  • rege  brazzy
    rege brazzy
    yes, heard the reading of that letter
  • prologos

    called Bloody Thursday aka WT Oktoberfest. (sic)

    October Feast kick-off and kick-out it is 1/10/2015 after all. the 4st is not far behind.

  • FadeToGrey

    If Jehovah loves his people & org.

    Why do they not have enough money. The God of the universe in these dire last days should be making sure his people & org want for nothing. It seems they are running out of money. So is gods bank account in the red too.

    Seems it is. Gods got no cash. So his people are poor to.

    stupid 19th century Adventist religion it is. Run by stupid American Bible Belt dicks.

    How stupid are these people. It's a. Bloody cult.

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