If one doesn’t find any problem with the Bible, he wouldn’t also doubt the organization he is associating with.

by Ireneus 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    It is not what “evolutionists” say, it is what evidence says.

  • Finkelstein

    blessings to some and maledictions to others by way of earthquakes, tsunamis, inborn disabilities ...etc.

    Really Ireneus ?

    and you have viable proof of that ever occurring outside of mythology in human history ?

  • cofty
    the same nature is capable of returning what each human being deserves - Irene

    You are committing a fallacy be reifying nature.

    The universe does not care.

    Your superstitious beliefs about a loving creator is contradicted by natural evil. All your hand-waving does not even begin to answer this.

    All your work is still ahead of you.

  • EverApostate
    If one doesn’t find any problem with the Bible, he wouldn’t also doubt the organization he is associating with.

    Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”– Voltaire

    This is true for the Bible also, which has absurdities from cover to cover.

  • steve2

    Ireneus, thank you - you are a kindred spirit. I vouch for your knowledge and observations on nature.

    I once knew a man who stood on stones to get from place to place. Not one word of thanks across his years of standing on them for his own self-serving purposes. One day, out of the blue, a volley of stones struck and killed him. Nature never forgets.

  • EverApostate
    Pope Francis recently compared the procedure (ABortion) to “hiring a hitman to resolve a problem.

    What does the Pope say about the Catholic church that burned people alive for "Apostasy" , drowning women terming them as "Witches" and Killing people of other religions terming them as "Holy crusades"

  • steve2

    Pope: “Dweadfully sowwy for the tewwible things we did to bad people - but dem’s da rulz.”

  • Ireneus

    Mythology can be seen everywhere even in science. Science teaches energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. Yet, it goes mythological when it says universe started from singularity, an infinitesimal point, from where the first abundantly seen element, hydrogen, (which is nothing but energy) was created. And thrust of the big bang was so perfectly fine-tuned that the final product is the present universe with earth filled with 8.7 million species. IF this drama of over 13 billion years duration is compressed into a 3-hour movie, it will dwarf any other mythologies available in the world. No wonder renowned scientist/astronomer Sir Fred Hoyal described it as “evidently nonsense of a high order.” (https://www.physicsoftheuniverse.com/scientists_hoyle.html)

  • Ireneus


    This Pope is different, he has just started it. He will gradually undo many things and also will apologize for the things such as burning of apostates, drowning women terming them as "Witches" and Killing people of other religions terming them as "Holy crusade …etc.

    He once pointed out a mistake in the Lord’s prayer saying it is not God who leads us into temptation, but Satan does that. His axe has now turned against bishops and cardinals sunk in sex-scams.

    These are the foretaste of what he is going to do in the future. In the core he is Jesuit.

  • Ireneus


    What I said did not help you, yet what you say helps me. If you say A=B, then it also would mean B=A.

    If Natural Evil proves God doesn’t exist, then Natural Good (which is far more than natural evil) proves God does exist and also “God doesn't play dice,” instead He just fine-tunes everything, and will also do ‘refine-tuning’ if need arises. (Mathew 19:28) Nothing stays new forever, hence some natural evil occasionally and here and there is presupposed.

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