Help! Does the sadness ever go away????

by Red 24 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    You are one cruel and heartless bastard! I've never paid you much attention because you have just been an annoyance and not worth my attention. But now you are deliberately going out of your way to hurt someone just so you can get the attention you crave. You don't give a damn about Red. You don't give a damn about Jehovah's Witnesses or their theology. You only come here to get attention. You get some sort of thrill out of people responding to your outrageous statements.

    But you have crossed the line in my book by cruelly and maliciously tinkering with someone's fragile emotions. How DARE you!! Red came here because of pain. Don't insult my intelligence by playing your little JW game. I know you and what you're about. You know that if you hurt Red posters here (like me) will respond and that feeds some sick and twisted desire in you. You are a warped human being. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in your mind, and thank God I don't have to.

    Leave the vulnerable and hurt people alone!

    Damn you.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Please ignore Sword of Jah's comments. When I first left that was exactly what I struggled with. The what ifs. What if the JWs really do have the truth? What if I made a wrong decision? What if I am so sad because I no longer have Jehovah's blessings? What if Satan really does make my life miserable? What if I really am just having a hardened heart and cant see how loving the treatment from my friends and family really is?

    And you know what.... I didnt make the wrong decision. I am blessed so much more so now, than I ever was. 'Satan' didnt make my life miserable. The JWs DONT have 'the truth.' The treatment from my friends and family WASNT loving. And I have a wonderful heart condition.

    It's important to remember that spirituality is a very PERSONAL decision. It is NO ONE's place to judge what level of spirituality you have.

    Give it time. It will become so much easier. And you'll look back and remember this feeling that you have now, and use it in a positive way.

    Happy thoughts to you. And big, wet, sloppy kisses.

    Sword Of Jehovah..... go get a hobby, or a puppy, or something to fill your time besides trolling the board

  • joelbear

    Hi Red,

    It has been 15 years and I still miss my family and friends. I try to recall the good times I had with them and that makes me smile. I still get teary eyed knowing that I will never be close to them again.

    But, all and all it does get easier as you make new friends.



  • DJ
    Please ignore Sword of Jah's comments.

    I ditto that.


    I have been in your shoes and I'm sorry for your pain. I can tell what worked for me. I just continued to show them love. I wasn't welcome in their homes but I popped by anyway and just brought them something and showed them love and left. I did that for ME because it was the right thing to do according to my convictions. I felt better and even though they disliked my visits at first.......eventually they broke down and saw that I offer them unconditional love. My dad was very happy to see me, always but of course he had to toe the line and put on his mad face but I could see through it. After a few years.....yes YEARS of that nonsense, my dad told me that he was glad I came around and would never want to lose me or my husband and kids again.

    I do however want to caution you that this was NOT easy. I took a lot of grief and hate from them w/o responding. Tongue holding is of utmost importance. Of course they tried to re-convert me back to their false teachings. I was strong enough by then to handle it. If I had not taken the time to find out what the bible really teaches, I would have been an easy target to be dragged back into their cult. I cannot stress enough to you how important that was for me. I would not recommend associating with them w/o your full armor of the truth that is only found in Christ. I have had such an amazing experience with my family members since I left. They are misled robots and it's so very sad. I loved them enough to put an end to their nonsense of hatred and finger pointing. You are not wrong. You did not leave GOD because you left the watchtower! That's their biggest mistake.

    Hey Red, go and see them.......what have you got to lose? Just tell them that you love them and always will no matter what they throw at you. Stand firm in the gospel of Christ. Read Romans, read Ephesians.....pray, you will be fine. Love to you< Dj

  • Sentinel


    Why are you here? I have to wonder. Most of us are truly trying to heal from the horrible inhumane treatment by an organization who splits families apart and ruins lives..and yes, causes human beings to be so lost and desperate that they don't want to live anymore.

    It's a free world, and an open forum, but your misled loyalty to them irritates me. I wonder if you are just one of those trolls out to get attention. Love is the most important thing, NOT love of any organization. You sound like a robotic cult person to me. Please don't say things here that are so heartless. Your "sword" is sharp, and what gives you the right to be judge over someone else? Where is that love you speak so much of? Can't see it in your posts.

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