New Order Mormons Forum - JWs Can Learn From LDS Mistakes!

by Derrick 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Hi Chris,

    : But in retrospect do you think LDS (Mormons) are more or less (what's the word) .... harsh on their members as opposed to Jehovah's Witnesses? By that I mean, do you feel that this religion leaves fewer scars on their believers, creates fewer dysfunctions by their teachings or causes less havoc amongst the general populace than does Jehovah's Witnesses among theirs ?

    I don't think the Mormons leave bigger scars on their member and ex-members than JWs.

    I visited one of my cousins back in Logan several years ago, and asked him this very question. He served on a mission and was raised in the Mormon religion. He said that when one is disfellowshipped in that faith that shunning is encouraged but not enforced. And he said that under NO circumstances is shunning encouraged OR enforced when it comes to close family members.

    Regarding the issue of leaving scars and creating dysfunctions, I can only say this: the Mormon religion IS just another weird and goofy cult, but after living around it and living around the JWs for most of my young life, I can honestly say it is not NEARLY as dangerous as the Watchtower Cult(tm).

    The one thing the Mormons and dubs have in common is this: they both worship their human religious masters. But then again, so do the Catholics and many other religions. (I think humans who claim religious authority may be part of the problem here.)


  • Derrick
    Blackguard wrote:
    Your comment,"I find the LDS and JWs similar in many subtle ways", is more profound than you might imagine. Poster scorpion aparently recognized the occultic theological similarities as did an individual, whom you self-righteously labelled an "x-file conspiracy theorist", recognize the corporate connections. C.T.Russell and Joseph Smith were not only residents of Pennsylvania, but both were Illuminists, practisers of gnostic traditions. Their occultic theology was virtually identical because of their connections to Masonry. While the artificial religious person, aka the Watch Tower corporation, may not be directly controlled by the Mormons both still have the common philosophic parent that direct the affairs of both juggernauts. I reccomend that to maintain your own peace of mind you do not investigate these claims lest you stumble upon the truth of this matter. (William Huntington Russell is considered to be the originator of Skull & Bones in the USA, not Joseph Russell).

    In other words C.T. Russell and Joseph Smith were sworn members of the Illuminati as well as practicing Freemasons? Is it possible they knew one another and attended the same Masonic Lodge? That could explain a lot.

    By the way have you seen the recent movie "Tomb Raider"? I was curious about the accuracy of the movie's treatment of the Illuminati and application of poet William Blake's famous quote?


  • gumby

    Is it possible they knew one another and attended the same Masonic Lodge? That could explain a lot.

    Well, since Joseph Smith was already dead when Russell was born.....I doubt it.


  • blackguard

    One researcher claims that Joseph Smith died at the hands of an angry masonic mob while fending them off with masonic hands signs and phrases. Masons have been know to murder their treasonous own; another researcher claims Russell might have been ritualistically murdered on Halloween, 1916 and that he lies buried in a masonic cemetery next to a Watch Tower pyramid and in sight of the Masonic Lodge. Smith and Russell weren't exactly contemporaries and were not Illuminati. Robison says there are several degrees of Illuminism. Both Smith and Russell appear as minor players in the Illuminati scheme. Analyze the 19th century religious pluralism of Pennsylvania to form an opinion; then compare Russell's theology with various Masonic teachings including Kabbalah, Hermeticism,Rosicrucianism. Russell admitted he lost faith in the bible and pursued Truth in occultic literature. The image of the Watch Tower is a subliminal reminder of the agenda. It is of the pre-flood period in which spirits were Watchers over mankind; these were the "b'nai elohim"-demon gods that formented the evil and violence of the period. That age was also called the Golden Age; and the magazine bearing that same name is today called 'Awake'. Russell's original image of a watchtower is of a flashing lighthouse with sea waves crashing upon the rocks below the lighthouse. Compare that image with Tarot card number 7 (?). An active jaydub by the name of Shemuwel Antoine Moser has a website devoted to occultic imagery and freemasonry---it's worth a visit. On that website he correctly claims another symbol of the lighthouse is a penis and that a flashing lighthouse means ejaculation, especially oral ejaculation. Russell's marriage may well have represented a spiritual union devoid of intercourse thus necessitating him gaining satisfaction in 'different' ways.

  • sf

    Surfsteve's Forums - Poor sick deluded man, Samael Moser...
    ... I hope he gets the help he needs before he harms himself or someone else... From:
    "Samuel Antoine Moser" <> To ... Shemuwel. FtWorth148 New Member. ... - 43k - Cached - Similar pages

    Need Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
    ... ----- Shemuwel Formerly Samuel Antoine Moser By the way I still am leagally named Samuel. ... ffreemasonrywatchfrm3.showMessage?topicID=13.topic - 15k - Cached - Similar pages :

    Does this 'guy' know 'Kermit'? Just curious and, rhetorical!


  • blackguard

    Hi sKally,

    Thanks for your hugs and invitation to chat. I am not e-sophisticated to handle a chat room just yet. I have large sausage-like fingers which strike three keyboards letters simultaneously thus giving me a distinct disadvantage in a chat room---it's a disease I tell ya---e.dyslexia. I have othewise been busy pursuing information on the incoming Sundisc, an object of Russell's Illuminist knowledge and affection, you'll no doubt recall. Latest is that it's sightable outside the solar system somewhere in the Scorpius constellation. My suspicion is that Russell's belief that the rapture was to have occurred first in 1881 then 1883 had more to do with his misunderstanding of WHEN it returns. You'll remember that Russell did not believe that the present watchtower eschatological exegesis of Mathew 24:1-14 was anything more than the repeating patterns of history. He apparently believed that the "sign" was something other than the non-signs now promoted by the watchtower and other heretical groups. In short Russell may have been 120 years out in his calculations for the rapture, an event he believed would ocurr simultaneously with the return of the Sundisc.

    Yes, poor Mr. Moser. He does seem a little off-balance; hopefully not suicidal. His research is quite incredible. I have yet to see a website so comprehensive on occultic symbols as his.

  • czarofmischief

    Hey! I live in Pennsylvania too! I've seen Russell's tomb!

    I hereby proclaim that I am Russell's reincarnation! Follow me! Send me money!


  • blackguard

    Hey czar',

    Other people have spent fortunes searching for DeSoto's Fountain of Youth, but you've reincarnated; why would you now need money? Your WTS has bundles!

  • blackguard

    Pardon me Czar' or is it okay to now call you Chuck,

    I meant De Leon's Fountain of Youth, not De Soto.

  • sf

    Hello again blackguard,

    There is voice chat features as well, if typing is cumbersome. FYI

    And you are most welcomed!


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