Please help me understand this one. I never "bought" it

by berylblue 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    The WTS has put itself in the position of "having all the answers."

    They have no right to decide ANYTHING!!!!

    Who made them God??

  • kat_newmas

    I haven't read every post here, so some of this may be repeat.

    As you can see from the scandals surrounding the JW's right now... obviously their interests dont much include children.

    Other than dressing up cute little kids, and shoving a stack of Watchtowers in their hands, and using them to peddle their written jargon.... children are not a scource of income for the WTS.

    It isnt until a person reaches the "age of understanding" that they take a real interest.. Oh sure they teach children..... those who learn and obey (assimilate) are accepted... those who do not... are shunned, stripped of their families and tossed aside.

    From birth... The WTS... treats its people like a carrot patch.... They just run up the rows, pull the ones that don't have the desired color, and put them in the compost heap.

  • DanTheMan

    This is a problem for other Christians too.

    From what I understand, most Christians believe that the immortal soul enters the fetus at the time of conception. And therefore, being that the soul is immortal, when a pregnancy is terminated it is believed that the soul of the aborted fetus goes immediately to heaven, since it died before it reached an age where it could be held accountable.

    So really the aborted fetus is better off than those of us who are alive and who have reached an age of accountability, since by being aborted the soul is automatically granted entrance to the heavenly abode, whereas we the living by and large are not "saved" and are headed for eternal "perdition" (I love that word).

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