Watch Blair squirm

by Simon 21 Replies latest social current

  • PopeOfEruke

    Blair only wants the war so as to detract attention from the pitiful performance of the English cricket team in the Cricket World Cup.


  • Englishman
    Blair only wants the war so as to detract attention from the pitiful performance of the English cricket team in the Cricket World Cup.

    'Struth, yer bloody right there mate!

    ...Mind you, it's a lot more important to Australians to be beating England than it is for the English to be beating Australia..

    BTW, re the footie, congrats on your flash in the pan!

    Say, how's that rugby team of yours a-doin'?


  • wednesday

    u may or may not find this amusing, but when i first looked at this thread, i tranposed the words and b/c they sounded familar, came up with "blair witch squirm" then quickly went to billy Crystalls version "blair bitch squirm".

    amazing what the eye/mind can do.

    edited to add, this is not a political statement. Remember the little movie "blair witch project", ? well Billy Crystall made sport of it by calling it the "Blair Bitch project". just caught my eye and i found it amusing.

    I like tony blair.

  • ISP

    Hey wednesday........were you on the writing committee!?


  • PopeOfEruke

    Dear Mr Englishman,

    I prefer not to discuss Rugby at this juncture.


    The Pope

  • Shutterbug

    Agree or disagree with Mr Blair, you must admit this man has courage. He is putting it all on the line and I'm betting he comes out on top of the heap, at least I hope he does. Bug

  • czarofmischief

    blair is the only reason that Iraq's regime is not a puddle of smoking flesh by now.

    Death to Saddam!


  • DakotaRed

    It amazes me how true leaders irritate some so much. Leaders do what is right and not bend to whims of some people. Followers follow the popular path in hopes of pleasing those who vote for them so they get voted in again and let the world and the country go to pot. Then, a real leader has to come in and try to clean up the mess and catches hell.

    Like them or not, Bush and Blair are true leaders, not followers. Doing the right thing is not always the popular path. If governments always followed the popular path, there never would have been a Civil Rights Bill in the US.

    It simply amazes me that so many of you seem to feel Saddam is a peace loving guy.

  • Aztec

    Haha Wednesday I saw the same thing..Blair Witch Squirm...LOL! ~Aztec

  • BluesBrother

    Does anyone in the UK support Blair's stand and believe him?

    only a few, personally I am with Simon on this one .

    BluesB ,freqently derided as a "Tree hugging liberal" at home these days.

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