All these new changes and the 20/30 year olds

by All for show 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • All for show
    All for show
    I see all these changes we are all shocked by. If they are all true, and WTBTS is hoping to distract the R&F with the ongoing claim 'the end is so near we need to preach'. How long do you give the excitement to die down among the 20-30's crowd? Generation Me- Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat... I mean, we have heard this all our lives and I don't think any in these age brackets believe it. I think it will actually be a killer to the Societies plan. Yeah, old people may be excited, but the future is this age range- I think there will be a two month hype--then it will die as everyone focuses on the hear and now. Bills-work-cost of living. You know, real world living...
  • stuckinarut2

    True, but that generation and younger is being focussed on with the "modern" organisation...

    So, while the methods that attracted and captured the older generations may have changed, new methods will capture the current crop of youths....

  • All for show
    All for show
    I am more thinking the claim the end is near. That is what this whole religion is based on-- I am on the upper end of the age range. And I never really believed it, we have so much life to live. So much media/internet-- I just think it will do more damage because its NOT coming.
  • kaik

    My niece is in her mid 20's. She is not baptized, but she started to study with my cousins to become JW. I am trying to talk her out of it, and I advised her to stop by at my mom, who is in the cult for 40+ years and she has all the publications with generation that will never die including this print:

    I do not think that old publications would do this trick. Young people are vulnerable as anyone else. Young people go through various crisis, job loss, love failure, etc. and they may find WT message enticing. My niece started with bible study this year after she was in accident and my cousins started manipulating her physical weakness for WT benefit.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Most of the20/30 year olds are in it just for the social network. They have no idea of the current doctrine, let alone the past doctrine that used to be The Troof.


  • LongHairGal


    You are right! These young kids have no idea what the religion USED to teach and how people might have been harmed by various policies (blood, neutrality, etc.)

    These young people weren't around when I was being criticized for working full-time and had to hear remarks about "not trusting in Jehovah" (like I was supposed to jump from a plane without a parachute).

    Nope. They have no idea.

  • lostnotfound

    As a fourth generation witness in my late 20s who has faded for the past three years I cant really give much incite of the changes recently. It looks like a completely different religion then when I started fading. Cut backs have happened before, but nothing like this. I had my doubts that maybe this was temporary due to the Warwick construction, but pulling the rug out from under special pioneers is shocking to me. You can down play laying off Bethalites as sending them out into the field, but defunding those that are out there full time while also ramping down construction that was so hyped just a few months ago is a glaring reversal even for those in.

    Growing up half my friends got DFed and never came back. A quarter of the ones left were DFed and came back. Family and friends is a huge motivator not to leave. It was for me. My fade was unsuccessful and I lost my entire family. Ive done thousands of hours of research into the failed propehcies, etc about the watchtower and even I have doubts. How could I not after having it pounded into my brain for 25 years from those I trust the most that this is the "truth".

    Its a hard, cold thing to realize that everyone you love and trust is living a lie. Many would rather live that lie then the alternative.

  • DesirousOfChange

    LostNotFound, congrats for getting out when you're still in your 20's. I wasted another 40 years before I woke up.

    Go get 'em!


    The greatest revenge is living a happy and successful life!

  • WingCommander

    I'm 36, and fully awake to the fact that all is not well in Oz, since I was about 10. By 19, I found the internet.

    However, even at 36 I still fight with the idea, the very reality, that the "New Order" has not yet arrived, and that the Generation of 1914 are all DEAD. Actually, all my grandparents, parents, and parents friends are DEAD. And the New Order? Nowhere in sight. Say, who's the King of the North again? What about that Peace & Security? Nowhere in sight. Not even talked about anymore, actually. Types and anti-types? Oh well.....done away with now.

    It's still hard for me to accept at times how conned we all were. That's what thorough, manipulative, cult indoctrination does to you from a young age.

  • All for show
    All for show

    My thinking is that this group has the 'truth' because thats what they are told and understand nothing. I was the same way...and actually stumbled on this website after googling the JW dot org ridiculousness and found a picture that linked me here. It was after reading a few posts alone, I was beyond shocked. All the feelings I had were shared-- then I read about 1914 etc... Wow.

    I think the only fear is losing family and friends for this group- the end is near propaganda isn't going to work.

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