Watchtower reveals some property stats - incomplete but interesting

by Corney 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Corney

    Interesting screenshots of internal WT databases appear in the 2018 Coordinators' Committee Report video (that's in fact a presentation of their HuB software) at 6:34-6:50. They contain, among others, the following information:

    there are 61,349 Kingdom Halls and 841 Assembly Halls;

    4,308 properties are held for sale, including 2,925 KHs;

    1,473 properties have been sold in 2017 and 2018 service years;

    784 KH property purchases and 1,130 new KH projects are in progress.

    Two things need to be mentioned:

    I found this info here;

    of course, it should be taken with a grain of salt.

  • Listener

    Thanks Corney. I've just been looking at this myself. Kim and Mikey did a YouTube on it.

    Nowhere does the Watchtower say that the screenshots of the HuB database is accurate or just a mock presentation, so there is no representation to say these are real figures.

    I am puzzled about a screen shot around the 6.00 minute mark that includes publisher figures for certain countries that, for the most part, don't reconcile to the 2018 figures in the Yearbook. The presenter is discussing how the information on HuB allows them to easily see print quantities.

    The figure for USA is 8,196 congregations, 861,575 publishers 116,629 pioneers

    The figure for Canada is 962 congregations, 84,831 publishers, 7,945 pioneers

    I would have thought that if this was the number of a publication required then it is too high and if it is the actual number of publishers then it is very low compared to the Yearbook figures.

    Like any good, modern business, they've registered the HuB logo and you'll catch a glimpse of a coffee mug with the logo on it.

  • Diogenesister

    Oh wow Listener . If accurate those publisher numbers show there's quite a discrepancy between peak publishers ( the only numbers given in the yearBook) and average publisher numbers Canada : 115, 959 (Peak) 84, 831 (ave) USA 1,234, 837 (Peak) 861, 575 (Ave)

    Of course there always was a difference but it would give a much better picture of true numbers which they no longer give in the year book ( for obvious reasons)

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen


    You forgot to add the number of pioneers, that in the video are separate from the number of publishers.

    In the year reports I think the average publisher number is including pioneers.

    Still there's a discrepancy of 300.000!

  • Diogenesister

    Thank you @Anders. I was just about to work out percentages for someone, so you saved me from sending a mistake to them!

  • Corney
    Nowhere does the Watchtower say that the screenshots of the HuB database is accurate or just a mock presentation, so there is no representation to say these are real figures.


    The figure for USA is 8,196 congregations, 861,575 publishers 116,629 pioneers

    The figure for Canada is 962 congregations, 84,831 publishers, 7,945 pioneers

    There are 13,016 congregations in the US and 1,402 ones in Canada. I think the data you cited are incomplete. I guess only, say, English-speaking congregations are included in those numbers. How else to explain incredibly low numbers for Haiti (1 congregation and 48 publishers), Dominican Republic (7 and 351) and Puerto Rico (14 and 906)?

  • iwantoutnow

    On that video at 6min 40 seconds in they say something interesting.

    They say that the "perceived" need for thousands of KHs ASAP "was resolved" using the HUB software.

    So here is their MESSAGE as to why they went from Begging money for thousands of new Halls needed ASAP, to selling off thousands!

    The dissolving of the RBC (which was the org that build ALL the halls in the USA) because they needed thousands of Halls ASAP!

    Having asked ALL Congregations to VOW monthly money (basically giving each Hall a perpetual mortgage) by each publisher so they can build these Thousands of KHs ASAP!

    Telling ALL congregations to Send ALL their money in their bank accounts (except for a small amount for operating expense) so they can fund the building of THOUSANDS of New KHs ASAP!

    SOOOOO - No mention that, well now we DON'T need all that money, so we will give it all back.

    If any Corporation or Organization will have done that, people would be in Jail for FRAUD!
    Bernie Madoff would be proud!!!!

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen


    It would make sense that it's English congregations only, as these numbers are related to English language literature.

    Would also explain the difference of 300.000 publishers mentioned earlier. Those may be in non-English congregations in the USA.

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