The Watchtower capitalised on centuries of Christian charity that has been the foundational framework of our Western Civilization to preach their own version of "have love among yourselves". Threatening members with disfewllowshiping to tow the line is not a genuine expression of Christian love. In the same way that North Korean citizens showing love for their leader is not genuine love. They confuse unity (=motivated by love) with uniformity
John 13:35 Mistranslated?
by KerryKing 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What publication is the excerpt from? I would be suspicious of the author tbh, in the 3rd century it was mostly the monks who recorded history after all.
It seems that with the passing of the centuries Christianity and the love weakened. In London during a plague, entire families were boarded up inside their homes if there was even one sick person thought to be inside, no contact, no care, no food etc.
You are just making things up. You obviously have no formal education in these subjects.First, monasticism did not exist until the 4th century.The historical method was created around the early 300s BCE, and when history was being recorded thereafter, a historian had to follow specific earmarks of this methodology.Monastics specifically left the world behind so as not to be occupied or participate in the secular world. Since monks did not exist in the 3rd or 4th century at large, nor did they participate in the activity of the secular world, they were not the authors of 3rd century history that you find suspicious."Paulus the Hermit (c. 230-342) was the first Christian monk known by name to history. Eventually, many adopted a modified eremitic existence, living as hermits but near each other for occasional gatherings and support. Marcarius first encouraged this form of living, nicknamed 'the larvae.'"