Isn't it ironic that JDubs are the most judgmental people of all? You all know what I am talking about!

by macys 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • macys

    Matthew 7:1-5

    “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

    3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

    Seriously. I remember when I was still going to meetings how JDubs with special status, like pioneer, aux pioneer, ministerial servant blah blah blah, would look down at you if you were "just" a publisher. But it went deeper than that! Sisters would judge my "spirituality" if my skirt was above the knee or below the knee and how much above the knee and how much below the knee. If I wore a skirt that was down to my ankles then suddenly Sister Backstabber would talk to me and ask how I was doing. If my skirt was above the knee she would ignore me as if I was not there even when I came over to say hi. It is not like I ever wore a miniskirt to the meeting! And then when the secretary would find out how many hours I did in service each month he would either be friendly or not friendly to me. I remember one time I filled out 15 hours on the slip to see what would happen. Suddenly I was invited by Brother Zealot secretary and his family to dinner. But if my time was below 5 hours then I was almost shunned. I even got marked by a whole family because I gave their daughter a usb stick with music on it they did not like. If I gave an answer at the meeting then I must be spiritual. If I did not answer then I was not spiritual. If I shook my head in agreement with everything the speaker was saying then I was spiritual. If I sat there quietly and thought about what he was saying then I was not spiritual. Tell me your stories. I know you all experienced this.


    100% agree. Even among the so called elite JWs...elders, ms, etc. there is a class system. Brother Elder-Pioneer-Gives parts on assemblies, Brother Elder-doesn't pioneer but wife does also parts on assemblies. Brother Elder- doesn't pioneer, wife also works- no parts. Bother Elder-doesn't pioneer, raising kids, no assembly get the idea. Its all B/S. Happiest people on earth... lol

  • sir82

    In JW-world, being "spiritual" is equated with "performing mundane chores in such a way that others can see what you are doing".

    Answering at meetings, scrubbing Kingdom Hall toilets, knocking at the doors of empty houses for many hours in a month, underlining sentences in your magazine....all signs of JW "spirituality".

    Being kind, thoughtful, generous.....meh, so what? There's no column for "kindness" on your time slip.

  • macys
    The JDub cult claims they have no hierarchy but that is a complete lie! I remember the service overseer of my hall used to throw big fancy dinners for the elite of bethel and the district overseers and anyone with special status. He used his connections that he made to get out of being removed as an elder when his own wife wrote a letter to the society claiming he was abusive and a monster at home. Which he was. We all knew about his fits of anger. They responded to her basically telling her to be submissive and a good little elder wife who needs to know her place and shut the fuck up. She did. He is still an elder.
  • Syme

    Very true story, macys. And sir82, my thoughts exactly on "spirituality". Add to that, that in the last few years spirituality means giving jw business cards or sitting behind a cart, playing with your smartphone. At least when we went with the Bible on hand (and sometimes, with only the Bible) and had vigorous conversations with all sorts of fellas, well, it was a little different. It sure was a complete falsehood back then just as it is now, but at least it required of you to actually use your brain a little, and have real argument-making conversations.

    Ask a j-dub how many books she/he has in their library, apart from the Borg books; IF he has a non-theocratic library, that is. Ask them how many, and what books have they read apart from the NWT and the Borg stuff. That should give you a meter of how spiritual they really are.

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2
    Whole thinks smacks of grade school cliques and my dad is better than your dad BS, pathetic. I went along thinking the 'end' would come soon enough to escape all the JW craziness when in. Didn't happen, any day now.
  • stuckinarut2

    There is no room for individuality as a witness. One must be a clone or risk being judged.

    "Spirituality" is defined by "outward activity".

    They speak of "unity", but it is more like "uniformity"...

  • Warren Wilson
    Warren Wilson

    There was one of several batty old broads in our congregation who used to go around telling people that they had"lost the mark on their forehead. This used to impress my batty old foster mother until I asked,"how does she know and what implications does such a judgmental attitude have for her own mark?" Shit stirrer.



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