1/25 WT: Oral and Anal sex are a go - if she's ok with it

by neat blue dog 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rattigan350

    "With this comment, they are saying if his decisions make her feel uncomfortable, are demeaning or that bother her conscience he should not pressure her to agree to them."

    That's called love.

    1 Peter 3:7 "You husbands, in the same way, continue dwelling with them according to knowledge. Assign them honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one,"

    But then sex is not fun unless it is naughty.

  • Rattigan350

    "This was a problem in my marriage. Elders telling us what was acceptable."

    Why were you seeking advise or listening to the elders?

  • KerryKing

    1 peter 3:7 shows how Roman laws affected the perception of the Bible writers just he same as regular people. Nowhere else in the Bible does it say that women are weaker, only there.

    The Romans didn't believe women were physically capable of gymnastics and sports, so they generally didn't allow it. Just like they thought women and girls weren't able for an education like men, their 'weaker' referred to mental weakness as well as physical.

    Bible writers were not immune to sexist beliefs held by their culture of the day.

    In the 21st century we know better, women live longer than men, that's physical and mental strength, just for starters.

    We need to stop quoting verses that are downright wrong as truth, look at the cultural setting of the Bible writers, dig into their laws and customs, to understand why they said certain things. Not everything written down came from God.

  • Duran
    In the 21st century we know better, women live longer than men, that's physical and mental strength, just for starters.


    A Chihuahua lives longer than a German Sheperd.

  • KerryKing

    So you think size matters.....

  • Duran

    Do you think a Chihuahua lives longer than a German Sheperd because it is physically and mentally stronger.....

  • Vidiot
    Rattigan350 - “…sex is not fun unless it is naughty.”

    That’s the first thing you’ve ever said that made any sense. 😏

  • Biahi

    Haha, no I just didn’t tell

  • truthlover123

    Guess asking all those questions in a committee meeting of a sexual encounter by pubs has made them "interested" in what was something akin to "new" to them and wondered hum! Then again, why not make this "legal" so we can do it too! So its "her" decision, what does that say?

  • DisgruntledFool

    Beards, cunning linguists and tossed salad...WOW. There is going to be a lot of smirks, smiles and contented, knowing looks at the Morning Worship tables at Bethels around the world coming from both men and women!

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