Calling Cofty and others regarding evolution

by dubstepped 340 Replies latest jw friends

  • shepherdless

    But a “talking snake” story is all tickey boo, with you, is it Old Navy?

  • shepherdless

    If someone came into this website and stated:

    As a linguist trained to evaluate grammar within sentence structures within sentence structures, whose functions are complementary and contribute to a complex array of diverse way of expressing things, the design of the English language is found to be incredibly complicated. The thought that all of this beautiful, productive language which is now extending around the Planet, just came into existence without being created in one go, 1000 years ago, by one single extremely intelligent Englishman, is incomprehensible.”

    what would you think?

  • smiddy3

    As I have posted on another thread every living thing on this planet whether in the sea on the land or in the air keeps alive by devouring another living thing.And has done so since the beginning of time .

    I can`t see a loving Almighty Creator being responsible for that ,so I guess evolution makes much more sense .

    Jehovah`s Witnesses who blame Satan for this situation undermine their God whom they believe in .

    If they believe Satan is the cause of this situation then obviously he is more powerful than their God who they worship.

    For all JW`s who believe God is going to rectify things in his own due time ,I ask you to send me 10$ and I will make you a millionaire in the not too distant future ,your million$ is not far away it`s just around the corner just send me your 10$ and I will make you a millionaire ,it`s imminent.

  • cofty

    Hi dusptepped - marking for later .Will get back to you this evening UK time.

  • pale.emperor

    As an engineer trained to evaluate systems within systems within systems, whose functions are complementary and contribute to a complex array of diverse cooperative functions, the design of all life on Planet Earth is found to be incredibly complicated. The thought that all of this beautiful, productive life which covers the Planet just came into existence without an extremely intelligent guiding hand is incomprehensible.

    Wouldn't that mean that God him/herself is even more complex than the Universe and therefore would also need an even more complex creator, and so on and so on etc?

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    I recommend reading a book or two on the subject. That way you'll get a structured approach to the topic, as opposed to piecing bits together yourself.

    Some I've read and liked (in recommended reading order):

    • Why Evolution is True - Jerry Coyne
    • The Greatest Show on Earth - Richard Dawkins
    • The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
    • Your Inner Fish - Neil Shubin
  • never a jw
    never a jw

    dubstepped: "Why only those things and not something else?"

    Natural selection is the answer. There has been many, many "something elses", they are only good enough to last one or few generations.

    I will give you my understanding in a nutshell. For me evolution is essentially constant change, especially In our DNA (mutations). It's almost like dropping a bunch of coins on the floor repeatedly. You are bound to see every time a different distribution of coins. That's because it's practically impossible to replicate the conditions of the event every time. In the case of evolution also every time that there's a new generation is bound to be different from the previous one, but it becomes increasingly noticeable because, unlike coins, life multiplies. So from this practical observation, it's rather easy for to accept, even be fascinated, by a simple fact of life; the only constant is change itself.

  • Fred Franztone
    Fred Franztone
    If you're still using terms like microevolution, macroevolution and primordial soup, then you have a very very long way to go with your studies. Read some more books, and choose them wisely.
  • dubstepped
    Well crap, the site erased my reply and now I can't get out of this quote box on my phone, lol.
  • dubstepped

    Fred Franztonean hour agoan hour ago
    If you're still using terms like microevolution, macroevolution and primordial soup, then you have a very very long way to go with your studies. Read some more books, and choose them wisely.

    Why is this site erasing my posts over and over again once I use the "quote" function? Fuck! I've now lost my post twice.

    Let's just say that the above is a non-answer. If you have better terms then supply them. If you have better books then recommend them. I asked for help and am open to it. Who knows if this will show or get erased by the forum monster once I click save but here you go.

    I want to understand HOW these things happen on the macro (is speciation a better term) level. Micro (is that adaptation?) is easy to see. I don't get the bigger form of evolution and want to see specific examples of how that occured so I can understand it, not just espouse it as a vague concept.

    I'd like to understand how "macro" is still occurring or if it is. Did large changes end with us?

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