Monthly Broadcast Change

by Brian J 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brian J
    Brian J

    The mind numbing Gilead graduation Part 1/Part 2 will now replace the usually fast moving, lets get this family worship over with, monthly broadcasts several times a year.

    Praise Jehovah for giving us 7 men, who put their underwear on one leg at a time like the rest of us, to help us keep pace with God's sovereign and celestial chariot.


  • Moster
  • steve2

    Praise Jehovah for giving us 7 men, who put their underwear on one leg at a time like the rest of us

    Don't their helpers do this for them?

  • Gorbatchov

    Are tbey out of content??


  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, Gorby, I think you have a point! After all,how much can they keep recycling the same stuff over and over again?

  • pepperheart

    what will they do to save yet more money

  • slimboyfat

    They said the reason they were cutting the literature was to focus on the "digital future". If they're now cutting down the digital output as well, what does that mean? They're just plain lazy? Out of ideas? Out of money? Or all three.

  • pepperheart

    Out of money is my guess because in 2012 arcording to the watchtowers own website they closed 20 branch offices around the world down.And of course in 2015 ? we had all the cuts announced by sam hurd and also next year the magazines will be going down to only six issues per year

  • slimboyfat

    Of course it's lack of money, but don't tell sparky moth and co. This sucker is going down.

  • slimboyfat

    Does anyone else find Samuel Herd’s manner a bit odd in this video? He treads a fine line between mischievous playfulnesss and flippant disregard and not always sure what side he comes down on.

    I don’t know if this is his usual manner I don’t often watch these things.

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