Ukraine and Armageddon

by jhine 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal


    This is a human tragedy that isn’t talked about.

    These Witnesses just suffer in silence. The elderly man you mentioned is damn lucky he’s still able to get around and also that he has a younger wife!!..Does the religion care? Ha!

    The reason he gets a pathetically low amount from SS was because he worked part-time!..In order to get a decent benefit from SS a person needs to work full-time for decades.

    It’s too bad the older struggling JWs today didn’t know this years ago..No, instead they listened to foolish bullshit and were lulled into a sleep mode. Meanwhile, the clock was ticking!.. It makes me very angry that some of the older JWs back then pushing poverty were themselves collecting a pension!..This hypocrisy is unforgivable and I am so Glad I never listened.

    So, what we see today are older JWs hoping for Armageddon (whether it comes because of Ukraine or some other place) as the solution for their predicament.

  • pistolpete

    The reason he gets a pathetically low amount from SS was because he worked part-time! In order to get a decent benefit from SS a person needs to work full-time for decades.


    What I have found out is that if a person works full time for 35 years and a good salary, he can collect maximum amount of $4,194 a month or $50,328 a year, if you wait till 70 to collect. On top of this once you hit 65 years of age, you get free Medicare to pay for health if you get the right plan. And if you are smart and have you home paid off by the time you retire, you can life a very comfortable life till it's over.

    Even if you don't get the highest salary, you can still do good just with social security alone, if you work full time. I personally think that is a pretty good deal considering that many Countries don't have anything like Social Security.

    And I know single persons that are living life like kings just on social security alone. I'm not a bible believer but even that book gave sound advice that JWs should of taken to heart instead of listening to 8 old fools in New York

    (Proverbs 6:6-8) . . .Go to the ant, you lazy one; see its ways and become wise. 7 Although it has no commander, officer or ruler, 8 it prepares its food even in the summer; it has gathered its food supplies even in the harvest.

    Pioneering was such a waste of time and I feel sorry for all those jws that just weren't smart enough to figure it out.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Didn't they revive the "King of the North" invading countires lately?

  • LongHairGal


    All that you say is true but what is most unforgivable, in my book, is that I was treated like Typhoid Mary or like I had a Scarlet Letter!

    The religion engendered hateful attitudes and the people in the congregation carried it out towards people like me. But, I knew I had to support myself. I don’t know if I can only credit my non-JW upbringing but I’m glad I had the strength of character to ignore all this.

    I remained on the fringes of the congregation with few friends. In time, I did a ‘Fade’ and am now retired from my secular job. Even though I have a few fond memories of some of the elderly JWs who were decent to me (and perhaps knew of the injustice of pushing poverty, etc.) I have NO pity for the younger pioneers there who looked down on me and were invited everywhere. I’d run from them.

    Maybe they can track down some of those ‘spiritual’ friends and ask THEM for money. In the meantime, they wish and hope for the Apocalypse to happen!

  • pistolpete

    I don’t know if I can only credit my non-JW upbringing but I’m glad I had the strength of character to ignore all this.

    You did good LongHairGal 👍

  • Foolednomore

    I was hated too! Had a skill and have education which they thought was " materialistic " I was constantly judged by the super spiritual as not being a good Jw. Many local needs talks where directed at me . I found the whole Jw life style to be a big waste of time and money.

  • smiddy3

    LUHE , Don`t forget the end of the Century was also used to usher in Armageddon and then JC 1000 year reign was supposed to start.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Don`t forget the end of the Century was also used to usher in Armageddon - yep.

    And 1975

    And 1925

    And 1915

    And 1914

    And ...

  • Mum

    When I was young, I strongly believed the Watchtower prediction about 1975. I did not pioneer because I have a physical impairment that makes walking difficult. I suppose I could have been a "car pioneer." Anyway, by 1979, probably even before that year, I was totally disillusioned. It occurred to me that I actually "might" grow old in this "system of things."

    So I got a job and left my JW husband. I now have an income, thanks to my "bad decision."

  • LongHairGal


    Congratulations!! That crucial decision is $upporting you now! 👍🏻

    How would it have helped us now if we had ‘pioneered’ back then - instead of working and paying into SS & retirement like most normal people??

    All the hypocritical older JWs with cushy lives who pushed poverty for young people back then and hosted special gatherings for pioneers 🙄 (that I wasn’t invited to) are mostly dead by now. They couldn’t even help now if they wanted to!!..People like us would be so screwed today it wouldn’t be funny. It makes me cringe to think about it.

    I wasn’t yet in the JW religion in 1975 and not a word was mentioned to me about it. So, the rest of the world was not aware the Witnesses were expecting the End of the world (Armageddon/Apocalypse) yet again.

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