after 2 years, getting the courage to read COC. but is is still really relevant?

by nowwhat? 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    It lifts the curtain on the workings of the GB. It's a good read.

    I wouldn't bother with Search for Christian Freedom.

  • nowwhat?
    Ok thanks hey i'm 55 years old ,2nd gen. Can't get out because of family. It's taking longer than expected
  • sparrowdown

    @Marvin Shilmer - " run organization..."

    Yes, as I would like to call it the trickle-down spiritual food economy theory that the WT love so much.

    All the "good oil" goes to the ones at the top and the spiritual wealth flows all the way down to the r&f -not!

    All I ever saw and experienced was the "spiritually" rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer!

  • sparrowdown

    Glad your here nowwhat.

  • Listener

    It answered one of the most important questions I found hard to answer - where else can we go? Ray answered this question in complete detail, using the bible to support it with.

    It made it evident as never before that I could have a clear conscience and appreciation that my worship of God was acceptable wiping away an indoctrinated belief that leaving the organization meant I had left God.

    On a spiritual level it is invaluable and time does not diminish it's truth.

    The mind-set it reveals has not changed - and it will show you the evolution of the doctrines and organisational character - besides the insight into how WT lies through its teeth - Thereafter be prepared to never want to go back -
  • stuckinarut2

    While the modern organisation has changed in many ways from the period when the book was written, the power structure is very much still current.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    ive been out 40 years now--and only got involved with the ex jw online scene 5 years ago.

    i got C of C as everyone was on about it.

    TBH--i found it hard going to start with--a lot of pages of watchtower print--which my eyes wont even focus on. so--i started in the middle--and quickly found i couldnt put it down.

    ive no doubt that Ray's book has helped many break free from the watchtower prison---and would recommend anyone give it a go.

  • Phizzy

    I read it avidly when I first left in 2008, and I still found it relevant. Though originally published in 1983, it showed how the Org machine worked, and how devoid the org was of any true Christian spirit.

    I think any exiting JW would benefit from reading it, I also found his other tome, In Search of Christian Freedom, a helpful read.

  • rrb2016
    Welcome @nowwhat? I would definitely read it. It is also available on YouTube in audio format. I was born-in, left home at 18 and never baptized. I read the book back in the eighties, and just re-read it last week. You will get a lot out of it.

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