Are Watchtower/ Awake considered religious magazines by Christians?

by dydeonwl 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dydeonwl

    The Watchtower and Awake have been considered as the most read magazines by Christians. Do you think that all Christians agree on it?


  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    If it's true, (because the cult itself provides the figures!) so what? It's only a publishing statistic.

    Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world - not JW's.

  • carla

    I don't know any Christians (mainstream) that even consider jw's as 'Christian'. If any Christians are reading it, it is only so they know how to answer them at the doors not because they believe anything from the cult literature.

    If the jw's think by placing them in public places and they are finding them gone later is because someone is miraculously reading them they should think again! everybody I know Christian or not remove them and toss in the garbage as soon as they see them, particularly in hospitals and Dr offices.

  • Finkelstein

    There is no qestion to the vast circulation and distribution in numbers of WT. AW. but that doesn't mean there is truthful bible interpretations held with its writings and articles.

    These magazines also have the most false bible interpretations as they been proliferated by tainted commercialism in the vein of charlatanism.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i wonder how many dubs actually read them ?

  • carla

    Whatever numbers the borg publishes doesn't matter anyway, the company store makes the members buy them! It's like when you family member authors a book and everybody goes and buys a copy or two on Amazon, leaves a raving review and then there are few to no sales after that. Only with the wt they have built in buyers they produce themselves on pain of being considered less than....

    If a pioneer buys stacks of them and claims to place them so what? did they really? maybe they are sitting in their garage or they simply toss them in the McDonald's garbage can on a coffee break. They still would rather buy them and have the elders and cong think they are super dub.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Are Watchtower/ Awake considered religious magazines by Christians?

    Only is a person considers jw's to be christian!

    just saying!

    Only if one considers jw's to be christians!

    just saying!

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I would take the numbers with a grain of salt. If the stats are true (93M Awake per issue and 42M Watchtowers), every single JW places an average of 15 Awake magazines and similarly large amount of 7 Watchtowers bi-weekly (which was 44/month/JW a few years ago and since they've gone monthly now it is 22/month)

    Even as pioneer I didn't get anywhere close to 30 magazines per month, and they claim every JW turning in a report card does this?

    Interesting is that the 'study' Watchtowers have a distribution of 14M, whereas they're only for JW's and there's only ~6M of those with half of the organization living in situations where it is not only hard to get the timely delivery of the rags, they are in areas where many people would have difficulty reading. Someone's seen counting with a fork?

  • smiddy3

    This has been brought up before and all it means is that the WT and Awake are the most PRINTED religious magazines in the world and certainly not the most read.

    I was a JW for 32 years and I cant tell you how many mags I had to dump in waste bins because the family couldn`t place them over the years.And I certainly wasn`t alone in doing this .

    I would hazard a guess that about 75% of magazines printed ever reached the public and even fewer were ever read by anyone.

    Even congregations I was in had designated months when the publishers were given x amount of mags to give away free because they were overstocked and had become out of date.

    This was when we asked for contributions for the magazines.

    Even back then 30-40 years ago I said why put a date on the mags ? Isn`t it a truth for all time ? apparently not.

    What the fall guy said is true It's only a publishing statistic.

    The illusion is when you have anywhere near upwards of 8 million volunteers distributing these mags ,whatever the X number is and you have a publishing house that Prints X amount of mags.has no bearing on how many Christians are reading these magazines .

    Mainline Christians do not consider Jehovah`s Witnesses christian ,the Catholics and the mainstream Protestant churches would not read JW publications and the smaller sects are very one eyed they are not going to read anything from another sect.

    The only people that do read ,no correction, I should say take a magazine from a JW is a non practicing christian of many faiths who do so thinking they are helping a charity cause .

    And their is no indication that anybody ever reads them .

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara
    the most read magazines

    Hardly the most read. How can anyone account for every individual who takes/ gets/ shoved / picks/ forced are reading it at all. Boy even the jdumbs dont read it through and through. Then what can we say about others!

    The worlds population which is 7.7 billion, out of which only approximately 2.4 billion are christians. That leaves 5.3 billion people .You do the math!


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