(Disturbing) Thought For the Day

by Terry 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry
    (Disturbing) THOUGHT FOR THE DAY

    What's happens when you get really sick?

    A. You get worse and worse, then - better and better till well.
    B. You get worse and worse, then - you die.

    That's a very Binary set of possibilities, right?

    Now, prepare to become fascinated!


    We don't know if we will be the person who gets better anyway or if we will die. This compels so many of us to seek treatment...just in case we are B instead of A.

    Now slow down with me here for a minute.
    Are you ready?

    If we are B instead of A, no matter what treatment we follow or refuse to follow...WE DIE.

    If we are A instead of B, no matter what treatment we follow or refuse to follow ---WE GET BETTER.

    Are you still with me?

    Alcoholics who quit Cold Turkey have a recovery rate of 13%
    But wait!
    Alcoholics who go through A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous) have a recovery rate of 13% as well.

    We can't EVER know.
    We can only insert opinions into our conclusions based on how persuadable we are or how obstinate.

    Science is measurable and testable, right?
    But MEDICINE is not the same as SCIENCE because it is statistical and follows models based on sampling of groups and the extrapolation to a much larger population is SELDOM ACCURATE.

    **(How can I state that? Insurance companies pressure hospitals, doctors, and clinicians toward or away from certain ways of framing an illness with $$ rewards and penalties.)

    Individuals are (duh) individual in how each personally reacts to treatments which
    (see A. above) my be entirely redundant.

    If you are in the A category - IT DOESN'T MATTER what treatment (unless it is intrusive in a bad way) you receive.

    An A category person will attribute recovery to (X treatment) and the statistics will be corrupted in conclusion as to effectiveness.


    Each of us when afraid, is more vulnerable to persuasion.
    Quack medicine exists in that space.
    Quack science exits in that space.
    Quack politics exists in that space.

    "Faith Healers" are sought (for the A person) when they go from bad to worse.
    Insert the "healing" into the natural cycle of better and better and - Presto! - the Faith Healer gets the credit.

    WE CAN'T EVER KNOW what 'might' have happened had we NOT done
    (X treatment). Statistically it seems true (or not) but individually, there is no certainty.

    SPONTANEOUS REMISSION in cancer, for example is said to be recovery without treatment "for no apparent reason."
    That's an argument from ignorance, isn't it?

    See the problem?
    If you don't - then you've wasted your time reading this :)

    ** Under the head of
    "Absence of Evidence isn't the same thing as Evidence of Absence)

    Q: Are hospitals inflating the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths so they can be paid more?

    A: Recent legislation pays hospitals higher Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients and treatment, but there is no evidence of fraudulent reporting.

    Right now Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital, you’ll get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.

    NOTE: "Medicare says it does not make standard, one-size-fits-all payments to hospitals for patients admitted with COVID-19 diagnoses and placed on ventilators. The $13,000 and $39,000 figures appear to be based on generic industry estimates for admitting and treating patients with similar conditions."

    From their lips to God's ears.
    Re: Medicine and statistical analysis
    Laboratory mice used for testing the effect of drugs on humans (it has been 'discovered' and affirmed) have been inbred into a population of abnormally long-lived (telomeres) mice inadvertently.
    we have been over-approving drugs that cause chronic cell damage (because the mice are able to heal from it and so the effects are missed) while under-approving drugs that might have cancer-causing agents (because mice already have a high base-rate of cancer).

  • BluesBrother

    I used to think that medicine was an exact science, but after many decades and seeing people close to me receive totally different diagnosis from different doctors ... I know that it is far from that.

    Simple, common complaints may be ok but anything "out of the box", they are stumped. It is pot luck if you find the right doctor who cracks it for you.

  • smiddy3

    Before coronuviras hit our shores I attended a healthcare gym for elderly people where they have tips on a video screen to make you think .

    One such sreen/tip that caught my eye was : words to this effect :" One patient has 10 different I R scans and can get 10 different results .

    What ? how valid is an I R scan if that is what you can look forward to ? Does that give you confidence in I R scans and what they tell you?

    Instead of just trusting in doctors as though they were God and couldn`t get anything wrong we need to put them to the test and challenge them on everything they say.

    Thanks Terry for this post

  • eyeuse2badub

    Medicine is not and exact or precise science--that's why it's called "the PRACTICE of medicine". If they keep practicing, it may someday become precise!

    just saying!

  • Finkelstein

    Medical practice can never be an exact science in its working state for its practiced by varying individuals who have a variable amount of knowledge, training and expertise.

    That's why its worthy for consumers to scrutinize treatments as they are suggested with respect to the practitioner and treatment.

    From what I've seen from people who have had compilations problems with their doctors it might be just that haven't been trained in new treatments and procedures to ones that have recently come out of Med school.

  • Terry

    I'm surrounded by True Believers who think it is arrogant and ignorant to question graduates of medical school
    But, I have 73 years of life experience to bring to bear (anecdotally) which tempers my "belief" in total anything.

    i keep one eye open.

  • coalize

    Biology is an exact science.

    Medicine is (in some way) practicing Biology on an human body, defined by myriads of differnt anatomic and biological parameters.

    Thats why sometimes some treatment efficient on a person A is not efficient on a person B with the same disease. Because person B can have some biological parameters, that implies the tratment wont work

    Therefore Practice of Medicine is not an exact science. But it's a science anyway!

  • JeffT

    Misunderstanding of how science works.

    Misunderstanding of how medicine works.

    Not surprisingly, your conclusions are incorrect.

    Edited to add: your initial hypotheses is valid only if you insert the words "do nothing" into it.

  • waton

    terry, can groups A and B not overlap? are we not all in group B? or some in Group A permanently, , those wt millions that will never die?

    On average does not a group with good genes and healthcare outlivr one with good genes only? How about the placebo effect?

    There is an article in "The Guardian" science, that central Europe may have better immunity to the new virus. Group A?

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