My sister called me!!!

by bluesapphire 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesapphire

    SloBoy, you're dead on!

    I don't want her to leave her religion if she's happy there. Actually, I have nothing against the JW religion other than the shunning. Even the pedophile problem exists in all other religions. If it weren't for fear of shunning, people would go to the police, take transfusions, talk to their relatives, etc.

    I want my sister to be truly and wonderfully happy. She gave up a lot to join the religion and she is not going to easily just sit there and wonder "what if..." without fighting to keep believing things even if they don't make sense to her. I sucked her in because she was trying to investigate what I was getting involved in to save me. The thing is that I was love bombed and so was she and it was what we each needed at that time in our lives. She gave up a great man who was going to marry her to be a JW. She may still need the love bombing. I understand that and don't fault her for it.

    We may or may not eventually get our relationship back to what it was. But the most important thing in my opinion is her happiness. She desperately wants to be married and have children of her own. Out of everyone in the family, she would make the best mother. I don't see too many opportunities in that organization for her to fulfill her dreams at her age. Maybe, but I doubt it. So if she opens up her mind to at least contemplate marrying out of her religion, then she could have her cake and eat it too.

    Since I've never been da or df officially, she can stop the shunning at any time and not worry about repurcussions. I hope she is smart enough to realize this. I hope she stops thinking that somehow this shunning is going to make me return to a religion that I no longer believe in. I think it's hard for JWs to imagine someone not believing in what they learned. Since they are not open minded enough to really investigate what exactly it is they believe in, it's so easy for them to just blame it on Satan LOL.

    Anyway, I've rambled some thoughts here. There is someone who knows her who communicated to me that they know who I am. I hope this person doesn't get it into their head to show this to my sister. A lot of damage could be done. But in the end, if someone wants to be evil they will. I'm not going to go into hiding over it.

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