Witnesses are Spiritually Starving

by metatron 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JeffT

    After her father died my wife's aunt developed bipolar disorder, and was having all sorts of problems. She did see a doctor but most days refused to take her medication. The loving response of the elders: you got it, they DF'd her. My wife and I cut back on some contact with her, but refused to shun her entirely. I knew in my heart that they'd made a bad decision, and wanted to help her. But most days she didn't want help, and she'd always been a pain in the ass, so it was easy to just not hang out with her. Although I don't think I really recognized it at the time, this was one of those things that started my thinking that all was not right with the Borg.

  • Lil Phoenix Bird
    Lil Phoenix Bird

    Jeff, sounds like you have seen the same thing many of us have, the brutal emotional care mentally ill JWs receive.


  • crinklestein

    I like how Rufus said it in the movie Dogma, saying that the one thing that irritated Jesus was that they took a good idea and made a belief system out of it.

  • Goshawk

    very well put alan

  • DanTheMan
    So much attention is given to presenting a superior moral appearance to the outside world that the GB have forgotten to remember it is also important what the org. looks like to those still inside. As long as it impresses the world who cares if the WT org. alienates it's own members?

    Well said, Heather. Welcome to the board, stick around!

  • Scooby


    Thank you for your comments...they REALLY REALLY hit what I am feeling RIGHT on the head. I just left the org and appreciate your comments soooo much. I hope they will help my also attempting to recover husband.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Don't think that ANY doctrinal fraud will ever result in a mass awakening of Witnesses

    Which is why there will probably always be Jehovah's Witnesses. Like Soviet Union, the only way for real change is if the entire rotten structure collapses upon itself. Any changes brought about that would actually help people (i.e. child abuse) will be because of litigation, not due to real interest or concern in what is happening to innocent people.

  • hornetsnest

    I must agree that the "Flock" is starving. About all they are given for food is endless reams of "do this, do that" and "don't do this, don't do that", "so-and-so is dangerous", "something else is not recommended" --- ad nauseum. There is no real continuity to the faith anymore, in fact, faith is deemed unnecessary as long as one unquestioningly obeys every little whim of the Society. If ever there was a sign of a dying faith, that has got to be it.

    I think that the one item that I would have reservations about is the thought that the elders are untrained. To the contrary, they are highly trained to be just what they are. The unfeeling, brutal, tactics that they use have been forced upon them by the GB, sometimes very much against their will, and are then enforced by quite literally holding everything they live for as hostage, to ensure that they follow that training.

    I think that we all know of cases where elders are removed and disgraced for objecting to the things they are required to do.

    Are there exceptions to this rule? Of course. Those who were the most successful in the Nazi SS were those who were sadists to begin with. And that reemphasizes my point. Not only does the GB's policies corrupt those who enforce it, it attracts those who are already corrupted in heart. The onus falls squarely on the GB.


  • clarity

    The watchtower talks about being god's happy people & well fed spiritually!

    The truth is they are starving spiritually!!


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