Commentary/Survey: The Necessity for God to Destroy Evil Individuals

by Derrick 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Derrick

    It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. The World Trade Center and other acts of terrorism highlight the necessity for God to exterminate not only those behind these mass murders such as members of the Al Quaida Network but all evil individuals worldwide engaging in crime. Forget the Watchtower Society's pet pieves about who is evil and who qualifies for destruction. We know that if they had it their way only baptized Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing would survive. It is easy to get side-tracked on this issue by focusing on the false belief that only Jehovah's Witnesses will be spared in the coming apocalypse. Why not instead acknowledge the simple fact that humanity is doomed to extinction without the intervention of a Higher Power to cleanse this planet of all vestiges of evil? That means that if an Advanced Intelligence who finds mankind worth saving does not exist then intelligent life on this planet will likely go the way of the dinosaur.

    What do YOU think about my comments? Do you believe that civilization can continue on this course without supernatural intervention by an Advanced Intelligence from deep space or beyond? Are you ready to accept the changes in your life that would have to occur if such an Intelligence saved humanity by exterminating evil individuals that are ruining life on Earth?

    I would like to know what you really think.

  • heathen

    Derrick-- The way I see it is that planet earth has been under the threat of annihilation by human means for over 50 yrs . The arms race of the 80's really put the scare in alot of people over who would be crazy enough to press the button . To most people that kind of fear was more intense than the fear of an angry God . I would have to say that only time will tell and yes I do believe that eventually there will be some sort of nuclear holocaust . These countries aren't building this stuff for anyones health . World tensions seem to be peaking out . Mutually assured destruction could happen . Whether or not anyone can conform to a world governed by the God of the bible is a concept that I think would have to be put to the test before anyone could say for sure .

  • Satanus

    We don't need god to do that. Bush and/or his gang are going to do that over the next generation. Haven't you been listening to the news?

    Others who have done it previously are: hitler, napoleon, charlemagne, the crusaders and of course christianty, after it was made the universal religion. No need to wake up god for his coffee.



    You want to know what I really think?..Derrick,I think your nuts..Coo-coo for coa-coa puff`s..6 fry`s short of a "Happy Meal"..Hope that helps...OUTLAW

  • Farkel



    : It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. The World Trade Center and other acts of terrorism highlight the necessity for God to exterminate not only those behind these mass murders such as members of the Al Quaida Network but all evil individuals worldwide engaging in crime.

    Why? The WTC tragedy is NOTHING compared with what Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot did. NOTHING. God didn't interfere when HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people were destroyed by terrorists in the past, so why would God bother to interfere when 3,000 or so people are killed by terrorists in most recent times?

    Rick, you are so goofy that I wonder why I ever deal with you, but I guess I'm fond of you in a historical sort of context.

    You keep asking for God to KILL all these bad people, but you haven't asked the right questions, since God HASN'T killed all of these people: WHY hasn't God killed all of these people?

    There are only several answer to the real question:

    1. God doesn't exist.

    2. God exists, but for whatever reason, he will not interfere with human affairs

    3. God exists, and he LIKES that sort of stuff, i.e. humans mass-murdering each other.

    4. God will finally intervene at some time, but not now.


    Rick, you are a real piece of work.



    I will not hold my breath for what will not happen.

    Supernatural Intervention: more time wasted

    Living in the present, dealing with the now, holds out more for the future than a mean and lazy god.

    First: you wait n' wait, give yer life to god..and wait..and wait, get scared grow old..then you die. Not much fun.

    Secondly: this god, has a great propensity towards: destroying, testing, manipulating and selfishnessand the list of negativity, grows longer and longer.

    My conclusion: No thanks, I gave up being a god-junkie, long time ago.

    Enjoying life, to the fullest.

  • seedy3

    I think he is right, and Geehobah should start with people like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, The Governing Body members, ect ( I could go on naming wonderful Christians), those dudes are the most evil I have ever seen. Come to think of it, Lets go backwards, I think he should get rid of all those CONDEMING Christians, that started all those Holy Wars (Kinda like the muslims today). What a gaseous explosion between the ears


  • Abaddon
    It's time to wake up and smell the coffee.

    Errr, I'm reading this and have a cup of brown fluid next to me. Check.

    The World Trade Center and other acts of terrorism highlight the necessity for God to exterminate not only those behind these mass murders such as members of the Al Quaida Network but all evil individuals worldwide engaging in crime.

    Golly, didn't you know there were bad people before 9/11? Where's your coffee? Or is it them being close to home that made you sit up and take notice? Or is death that way worse than death by starvation caused by 'evil individuals'? And are you postulating crime=evil. What about parking fines? Could you be a little more specific, or are you leading up to telling us god should kill everyone on your list of bad people. If so, how do you arrive at this list?

    Forget the Watchtower Society's pet pieves about who is evil and who qualifies for destruction. We know that if they had it their way only baptized Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing would survive.

    Already forgotten them, I know what they'd like, your point is?

    It is easy to get side-tracked on this issue by focusing on the false belief that only Jehovah's Witnesses will be spared in the coming apocalypse.

    Errr, well, for those in the cult it is. I find is quite easy not to get side-tracked. You believe this Apocalypse is going to happen, don't you?

    Why not instead acknowledge the simple fact that humanity is doomed to extinction without the intervention of a Higher Power to cleanse this planet of all vestiges of evil?

    BIG assertion. Please provide proof. I want to make sure you're not one of those chaps it mentions in the Bible, that will come and say x, y, and z, and that aren't actually prophets but are just evil frauds. Not that I doubt you, but the Bible makes it quite clear you have to be tested as to your prophetic accuracy.

    That means that if an Advanced Intelligence who finds mankind worth saving does not exist then intelligent life on this planet will likely go the way of the dinosaur.

    Oh, god, you believe in aliens don't you?

    What do YOU think about my comments? Do you believe that civilization can continue on this course without supernatural intervention by an Advanced Intelligence from deep space or beyond?

    I think about you the same way I would think about anyone who starts blathering about alien intelligences killing evil people. WITH GREAT SUSPICION. Evidence please, or you are a false prophet.

    Are you ready to accept the changes in your life that would have to occur if such an Intelligence saved humanity by exterminating evil individuals that are ruining life on Earth?
    Funnily enough, 'evil' people are a problem, but some people who look to the skies for a solution, or who claim their actions are backed by the skies are easily as much of a danger to mankind than those who are merely evil. Complacency and indolence are evil too, when they allow people to assume they have no part to play in making the world a better place themselves because god/ET is going to kiss it better.
  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea
    Why not instead acknowledge the simple fact that humanity is doomed to extinction without the intervention of a Higher Power to cleanse this planet of all vestiges of evil?
    What do YOU think about my comments? Do you believe that civilization can continue on this course without supernatural intervention by an Advanced Intelligence from deep space or beyond?

    I think that the world places itself in far more danger by falling into this state of reasoning. We hurt ourselves by adapting the mentality that some superbeing (someone...anyone besides us) is going to have intervene and straighten things out.

    When people learn to take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences those actions yield...When people STOP blaming everything that goes wrong on the likes of Satan or God (Bad people, just like good people, are just demons involved, just genetics)...When people STOP sitting around "waiting on Jehovah" to restore mankind and save us from ourselves...When people get up off their bums and say, "we did this to ourselves and we must find a way to make things right"...When people stop being the children that religion cripples them into being, waiting on big daddy to put the proverbial "bandaid on the broken arm", then and ONLY then can we begin to "fix" our world.

    Solutions come from people who have come to realize that there is no superman, spiderman, batman, super heroes who are going to rescue us from our problems.

    Just my 0.02


  • hillary_step


    Whatever people may say you have a good heart, but the flaw in your argument, and frankly it is the same flaw that unravels the WTS theology surrounding the same issue, is that the vast majority of the world abhor the sort of evil that leads to this inspiration of this type of thread. You note:

    Why not instead acknowledge the simple fact that humanity is doomed to extinction without the intervention of a Higher Power to cleanse this planet of all vestiges of evil?

    There is nothing simple in your statement Derrick as the boundaries between good and evil are very dependent on what is socially acceptable and not necessarily what is ethically acceptable at any one time in human history. Remember the God that encouraged the pile of foreskins being torn from the bodies of the Israelite enemies? As a matter of fact even your statement above may have got you in deep trouble with the authorities in ancient Rome, though today people would give their lives in the thousands to protect your right to speak freely.

    For example four hundred years ago children in Europe were married, often to adults. It is called statutory rape today, but was perfectly acceptable then due to diminished life-spans. If God chose that moment to crush evil, would he have killed all these people - legally married rapists? This also happened in ancient Israel where it was not uncommon to find thirteen year old girls married to older men, or even teenage virgins used as hot water bottles for aging kings!

    I suspect that the truly evil people on this planet number in the thousands, not the millions and if they were removed it still would not stop the crassness and vulgarity that has led to ‘Reality TV’, the real evil in today’s world! Even a superficial glance through the annals of history would witness the fact that though this poor planet is plagued with misery, injustice and bad music, it could be and it has been worse. People are basically selfish at heart, the inheritance of consciousness, and personal education is one way to combat this inclination. Waiting on God to sort out our problems is in itself a reflection of that selfishness.

    I understand your desire to see a ‘cleansed earth’ Derrick, only an ‘evil’ person would not, but all we really have in our control, the only reality in this situation, is the power to make sure our little square foot of life is lived with honor and compassion.

    We might start by writing to Brooklyn and demand that they stop eating forests in the frenzy to keep their expensive printing presses churning out the massive stream of theological flotsam that even JW’s admit to not reading. Then we could do the same with the ‘Tatler’ magazine. The dangerous ecological threat that we have bought to this planet is far more threatening than criminals who at least have laws to keep them in line.

    Best regards - HS

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