Poll says Gen Xer's would like to return to pre-internet

by SydBarrett 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • HiddlesWife

    This is just my observation: Today's technology is quite valid and vital in terms of SAFETY AND SECURITY. Prior to "The Plugged In" Years, several who were caught in circumstances that would have required cell phones, tablets, street-installed cameras (to display what is occurring in various neighborhoods/areas), and the like have either gotten injured very badly or lost their lives. Of course, situations of maiming and/or loss of lives have and are happening now with the tech but some persons might've been spared grief with some form of today's tech. I, personally, for one am glad that these innovations exist; making somewhat LIFE easier to live.

  • MeanMrMustard

    I am GenX. I would not roll back the internet. People look at their phones because they choose to look. Some are addicted, yes. It's their responsibility to recognize the issue and do something about it.

    For example, I'm a software dev. I'm involved with the internet all day long. But I purposefully do not have an account for Twitter, Instagram, Faceplant, Truth, Mastodon, etc. I made a conscious decision not to engage there.

    In other words, each individual GenX that prefers a world without screens has the ability to make that happen for their own life, and should do so.

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