My four year old just made me laugh!!!!!

by anti-absolutism 2 Replies latest social humour

  • anti-absolutism

    I just sat down at the puter and my four year old came in, sat down beside me, calmly picked up my New World Translation Bible and said, "daddy, what is this Bible for?" Boy does that open up a great debate. If she only knew the impact of her question...... I thought it was really cute.

    What scripture is it that says, "out of the mouths of babes".....? lol (rhetorical question there, btw)

  • Billygoat

    At an apostofest last year in Texas, we gave away books for some booby prizes. Since I was a little strapped for money, I bought the books at a local used book store. I found a NWT and we gave that away as a prize that night. Not that that's funny, but the fact that I found the book in the "Religious Fiction" section was!

  • musky

    Hello Anti, Great story. I also have young children, and they sure know how to ask the tough questions without even knowing they are doing it. You may want to begin talking with her about the book of Revelation or possibly the trinity.

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