Bait and Switch "Bible studies"

by Vanderhoven7 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vanderhoven7

    Mark Jones, a Witness for over 30 years describes what JWs call Bible studies offered to the public.

    "They (Jehovah's Witnesses) offer you a free home “bible” study - which turns out to be a study of a Watchtower publication with the bible brought out as an afterthought to try and prop up whatever current idea the governing body are claiming is “the truth” this week.

    I think it’s underhanded.

    When my parents became Jehovah’s Witnesses and they offered people a free home “bible” study, this is what they brought to study with them:

    No longer in print or referred to, because the predictions and claims in it failed. The people who were duped into studying it and becoming Jehovah’s Witnesses and promised that they’d live forever in paradise on earth - died.

    When I was a Jehovah’s Witness and the offered people a free home “bible” study, this is what we brought to study with them:

    No longer in print or referred to, because the claims in it turned out to be false even by Jehovah’s Witness standards. So it should have been called “What did the bible really teach from 2007–2016?”

    Today, when Jehovah’s Witness offer people a free home “bible” study, this is what they bring to study with them:

    What, did you think they were going to study the bible with you?

    Hahahahahahaha - no.

    Go ahead and ask them for a bible study and make clear that you’ll only use the bible and no magazines. They might agree at first (might)… but when its made clear during the first study that you wont use their literature they’ll end the study with you. One reason being, 99% of Jehovah’s Witnesses dont even know what they’re supposed to believe anymore and have never actually read a real bible in context.

    The “bible” will be brought out every now and then, you’ll be told to jump around to different scriptures out of context to make it look like the magazine or book is correct and if you dont agree with their leader’s interpretation of scripture you’ll be regarded as “not honest hearted” or “insincere for the truth”.

    You’ll also notice that the “bible” they use isn't even called a bible. For legal reasons it’s called “The New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures”. Have a look who was on the translation committee… oh, no, you cant. Because non of them are in any way educated in biblical languages, history or theology.

    It’s impossible to be baptized as a Jehovah’s Witness by actually studying the bible and the bible alone.

    They dont allow it. No, you have to study what the leaders are saying is true this week via their literature (subject to change) and change your mind as to what is “the truth” when they tell you to.

    You know, like a cult.I

  • carla

    I tried telling my jw all of this when he was first joining up, to no avail. The way they hook scriptures together they might as well hook this together; "....and he hung himself, now go and do likewise....".

    They have a bible at the ready to simply show that a certain scripture does in fact exist not to show any context. And for goodness sakes don't read the whole chapter much less the book!

    They name the NWT for legal reasons? hmm, I thought it was just another case of having to be 'different'.

  • TonusOH

    From almost the beginning, the WTS has pushed the idea that the leadership interprets the Bible and this interpretation is what must be studied. To study the Bible without that guidance is to wander about blindly in darkness. Russell himself explained that his Studies in the Scriptures were a better Bible than the Bible itself. Reading SitS without the Bible was effective, but not the other way around.

    So, the GB considers itself God's editor.

  • Ding

    Looking back, I can't believe how easily I fell for the bait and switch.

    I remember asking why we were going to study the little blue Truth book instead of the Bible itself.

    The answer was, "Oh, this book is organized topic by topic and makes things easier to understand."

    I just said, "Oh, okay," and away we went.

    I think it's a matter of trusting people's sincerity.

    I still think those JWs were sincere.

    They really thought they were studying the Bible.

  • enoughisenough

    What those who are studying with JW really need to understand is if after being baptized, they decide to really study the Bible on their own-without the JW library, it is highly discouraged-because they get all they need from the "slave"...if they want to get together in a group and just read the Bible and discuss it, they are likely to be disfellowshipped---that is what happens when they really study. I have watched a video or two where people were removed just because of studying the Bible . If you have a relative you is studying with the witnesses, you miay want to locate some of those videos where people were put out because of independent Bible study. I think Beroen Pickets has one...maybe more.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    It’s impossible to be baptized as a Jehovah’s Witness by actually studying the bible and the bible alone.

    That pretty much tells anyone all they really need to know doesn't it?

  • enoughisenough

    I never had a Bible study...The family I was marrying into were JW and it was expected of me to get baptized. My spouse and I studied the questions for baptism like questions for a test so we could have the right answers for the elders. I didn't have an issue with it at the time because I had been going to the meetings and felt like I was learning things from the Bible. I had read the Truth book and it seemed logical to me. I will say, this family was a very unprincipled family.

    Go ahead and ask them for a bible study and make clear that you’ll only use the bible and no magazines. They might agree at first (might)… but when its made clear during the first study that you wont use their literature they’ll end the study with you

    So, very true indeed. You will still be counted though as an RV and be visited weekly especially in the winter months if you live in a cold climate (drive around time)

  • luckynedpepper
    Go ahead and ask them for a bible study and make clear that you’ll only use the bible and no magazines. They might agree at first (might)… but when its made clear during the first study that you wont use their literature they’ll end the study with you.

    My mother was able to do this. In fact she studied with one woman using the New Jerusalem Bible, as she was Catholic. My mother was unique- not many people could do this. This woman and her family ended up being baptized.

  • LongHairGal


    Of course it’s bait n switch. I felt I certainly was a victim. And, it certainly is not a bible study but instead their literature study!

    I was told everybody was equal (🤣). They aren’t. I was told they had no clergy class. Umm, they have a plain-clothes clergy and enough titles to rival any church. They even use ‘ecclesiastical privilege’ to keep their mouths shut about criminal behavior there. So, that’s an admission right there.

    Maybe there’s more because I can’t think of everything. But, I certainly would never have gotten involved with the Witnesses if I knew. I suppose if they laid all their cards on the table and were honest - nobody would ever join.

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