War With Russia according to the bible

by Nosferatu 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I figured you guys might get a kick out of this one!


  • abbagail

    LOL, I do get a kick out of Dr. Jack V.I.! Roxella, too!

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Hey the Dubs perdicted that way back in 1958 with "Your Will Be Done on Earth" book.


  • Athanasius

    A war with Russia! I hope not.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    The book "Your Will Be Done", said that the Americans and the Russians would be preparing for war and then they will decide to turn on Jehovah's annionted. Then that is when Jehovah will turn on them.

    Every practical-minded, right-hearted person wants to put himself on the right side of the will that is bound to win out. In the matter of choice, man seems to be caught between the jaws of a pincer movement, the communistic north and the democratic south closing in upon him. To favor either one of them is to favor their unseen ruler, the God of this world of which they are a part. Satan the devil is the 'God of this present system of things'. Satan's world is nearing the close of its "Time of the end". Additionally, The end of the Anglo-American pet, the eighth world power, the United Nations, is at hand. Now the final World powers of all history are about to fall, yes, Communism also! For a destruction comes, not by the hands of men raised in suicidal nuclear war, but by the hand of Almighty God, by his Kingdom with Christ in Power...Dedicating ourselves to him puts an inspiring purpose into our lives, a living for God and his heavenly kingdom of the blessed New World, a purpose for eternity!


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