It's more than "just a forum"

by nilfun 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    For me it's not just a forum, you all have allowed me too share my tears and my fluffy times with you and you'll never understand what that means to me. I laughed so hard when I logged on and found 6 of 9's fluff post about Thunder Rider and myself I cried just as hard when I read Tatiana's "Three sister's thread" and Mr. Moe's experience at Wal-mart made me angry/sad and so proud of her and how she is raising her daughter.

    I feel so much better more emotionally healed than I have in a long time. Knowing I have people that care enough just too post on my Birthday for me is Priceless

  • nilfun





    Thanks for those replies...

    (, I'm feeling so down about the shuttle's hard for me to reply to y'all but I'll give it a try.)

    AA has another saying, "keep on keeping on" we all grow and are inspired by each other.

    That phrase "Keep on keepin' on" is a fav of mine. And yeah, I've done the delete thing many many times too!

    If we all used to be "brothers and sisters", why can't we still be? :)

    I once read something Farkel wrote: will find that outside of the Watchtower walls there is a brotherhood of wonderful people available to support you and comfort you.

    and I wondered, "Is this true?" Am I still part of an international brotherhood? I find the question both comforting and frightening. Comforting because, hey, Instant Friends! Frightening because, well, you reminds me of That Other Place (kingdom hall).

    And, yes, I too appreciate having a place to share my tears and fluffy times, though I've probably shared more fluff than anything...

    LOL (sob) @ the pic - you have no idea how close to the truth that is

    Just a lucky guess I suppose. You're right, though. I truly have no idea what it takes to run a forum like this. I'm glad it's here.

    Thank you.

    Edited by - nilfun on 1 February 2003 16:15:5

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