White Trash Joke

by Crazy151drinker 4 Replies latest social humour

  • Crazy151drinker

    Q: What did the White Trash guy say when he ran into his old girlfriend (you know, the one he lost his virginity to) ??

    A: MOM!!!

  • Crazy151drinker
  • freeman

    Crazy drinker that was totally uncalled for and demeaning.

    It is unfortunate that you chose to categorize an entire segment of our society as having incestuous relations with their mothers.

    You should be ashamed of making such a generalized statement. I happen to know for a fact that it's not always the mother; sometimes its the sister!


  • pr_capone

    I just wonder how Freeman knows this "for a fact".

  • Faraon

    Freeman, Crazy:

    Your comments show a thorough lack of knowledge of the legal system.

    All states in the Appalachians have taken this to the Supreme Court and it has been decided that divorce does not sever family relationships in cases where a man divorces his mom or his sister.

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