My Ghost Experience This Morning

by rem 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Warrigal

    Thanks, rem, for explaining about sleep paralysis. I've had 2 episodes of that but not in over 25 years.

    Has anyone had experiences of an animal in the room with you reacting to the presence of 'something'? I have, and was curious about the circumstances of other experiences.


  • oldcrowwoman

    My experiences are all associated to being abused from 5 years til I was 40 years old. Post Traumatic Stress is triggered for me. Dreams have a way of teaching about ourselves. I've experienced dreams where I've taken my power back in abuse situations too. Can be healing.

    Having done extensive work in healing. I was'nt raised in the org. I was badly bruised by the experience. Today I don't buy into the demonism. I feel its a scared tactic to keep people immobile and to fill the fear of --- !. To keep them in place.

    I had the fear when I first coming out of the org. As I broke rules they had and seeing that the raging demon did'nt show his face. There many different rules put upon and I purposedly broke them and to be empowered that the sky did not fall in. It's a long process of coming out of a religious cult.

    Glad to make contact with others.

  • Warrigal

    Welcome to the board, Oldcrowwoman! You mention your experience in healing. Tell us more about it and yourself. Warrigal

  • Beans

    Rem, great story but I think you have to start drinking premium beer to avoid these hologens man!



    Poor (((((((((Remmy))))))))

  • therealtruthsayer

    This happened to a girl that was in the hall. Her parents ripped her room up. They thought she had been involved with some "worldly" activities and had to have invited the demons in the house. They forced her to start reading the lit more. I felt sorry for her because they would never "exorcize" it they were scared to death about it happening again and they took it out on her

    Edited by - therealtruthsayer on 1 February 2003 18:22:44

  • Etude


    I think I experienced something like that many years ago when I was a teenager. What caught my attention about your tale are the following three things: 1) you woke up in an alert state; 2) you said you were paralyzed and 3) the sense of fear hit you before or just at the time everything else unfolded. I experienced the exact same symptoms. It was about 4:00 AM and I had fallen asleep on the couch in our living room. I woke up like I had not been sleeping and then started to hear the wood floors squeak and the doorknob turn while unable to speak or move. It scared the guacamole out of me.

    I may be deviating a bit from the subject, but all this makes me think about some disorders that many people experience. Im pragmatic and believe in science. So much so, that I feel perfectly comfortable in saying I dont know if there isnt a reasonable explanation instead of making one fit. So I explain our common experience (with some available scientific evidence), as the result of recreations by the brain, as communicated by chemical messengers to the Limbic system while it kept it secret from you cerebrum and motor centers (phew!) But going beyond, people who experience Turrets Syndrome, who are manic compulsive or have Schizophrenia obviously demonstrate something thats way beyond their control in a permanent and devastating way. In the case of Schizophrenia, his or her delusions are so vivid and real, the person cant help but react to the voices and the visions. You and I (and some of the other commentators here) are lucky that we only experience a freaky moment of this type a few times in our lives. Those other poor people I just described have to live with their condition on a daily basis, which takes me to my point: Were supposed to have free will. How much free will does someone with Turrets Syndrome or manic compulsion or Schizophrenia has? More over, its obvious in my opinion that, what makes us who we are and makes us do the things we do is communicated via chemical messages that our bodies produce. In other words, we are at the mercy of our own body chemistry.

    The conditions I mentioned are obvious and extreme, but I think that there are many, many shades in between that make us either have an addictive personality (or not), or behave a certain way and lose control temporarily (or not). That is something I dont think the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses and their governing body will ever get. When someone cant help what they do, often the organization reacts intolerantly and will disfellowship the individual. All of this makes me wonder how much self will we really have. I guess to put it simply, thats what imperfection is, thats what the Bible calls sin. Thank God that Jesus knew that. Its a shame that the Watchtower organization does not. If it's something like a "possession", it has to be demons. If it deals with morality, it has to be the person's fault.


  • rem


    Yes, that is another aspect of the experience: the inability to speak or scream. I remember this clearly from when this used to happen when I was a child. I would be scared and want to call out the name "Jehovah" or call for my parents to protect me, but no matter how much I tried I could not speak. It was terrifying and I always felt guilty that I could never call Jehovah's name when I felt I was in danger. I would think that maybe I wouldn't be saved in the final day because I wouldn't be able to call on the name of Jehovah like I was taught in the scriptures.

    As far as free will is concerned... it's still a mystery. I've heard that free will could just be an illusion - a byproduct or consequence of consciousness. I'd like to do some more research on the subject. I have a book called Consciousness Explained (though I'm sure the title is more than a bit over-ambitious) on my shelf waiting to be read. I'll get to it someday!

    Thanks for your comments,


  • og
    almost euphoric, but in a bad way

    Reminds me of one of my first girlfriends!

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