Your Story

by Blueblades 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Hi INTRO: I always enjoy reading your posts.You cause one to refect on things.Your response to my post makes perfect sense if I was asking about physical distance in space measurements.You are right when you concluded that the question is really what is going on with one's self.Thats exacty what the question was asking: Not in measuring distance,but, in the mind ,the thoughts,within one's to moving toward, away,or staying the same.

    If one chooses to believe it based on a belief system,God invites us to begin a personal relationship with him,without the impediment of physical things.So it is only in the mind in our thoughts that we can either move toward ,away or stay the same.

    It wasn't intended to be a science question ,but, one of faith or belief.Sorry for not explaining or re-wording the question.

  • Introspection

    Blue, of course I don't have much use for beliefs or systems of belief so I couldn't tell ya from that perspective. I can tell you, though, that from my perspective a "personal relationship" IS an impediment. It may serve to help a person feel better and closer, (again just how one feels) but ultimately things of this nature isn't just about us is it? Now if you want to say worship God with your whole being, heart and mind, then I'd say now you're talking. But this is very different from from what someone might consider a "personal relationship" - because that is based on certain assumptions.

    It doesn't concern me at all that some people say they no longer believe in God. Someone who have lost a belief is MORE spiritual as far as I'm concerned, because most often that is just a matter of deceiving yourself, although if you know those are just beliefs then you're ok. Ultimately, this spirituality business is about what you ARE isn't it, because you can do certain things and think a certain way (which is just a form of doing) and basically ignore what you are, because you've decided some idea, some thought is the neatest thing since sliced bread and so you'll take that on as yourself instead of just being yourself. I've called this selling your soul to a belief, and I think that does describe it. Semantics aside, I think most people are more spiritual than they give themselves credit for, because they're too busy giving credit to some belief.


    Edited by - Introspection on 31 January 2003 21:33:7

  • Blueblades

    I have lost beliefs and don't feel more spiritual at all.Without the belief system to hang on to ,there is an emptiness in be.I just don't trust belief systems anymore.I'm sixty yrs. old 27yrs catholic 33 yrs jw.I'm back to square one?????????????????????

  • Makena1

    Blueblades wrote: I have lost beliefs and don't feel more spiritual at all.Without the belief system to hang on to ,there is an emptiness in be.I just don't trust belief systems anymore.I'm sixty yrs. old 27yrs catholic 33 yrs jw.I'm back to square one?????????????????????

    I can definitely relate to that statement. I took the plunge (baptism) over 35 years ago when I was 12 years old. Under my former belief system, I really thought I knew what was required of me, and what I was agreeing to. Realizing that the "truth" was really an everchanging lie, feeling betrayed (by an organization who claimed to speak for God) I have no use for any group that claims to speak for God.

    I believe there must be some higher power out there, and wrestle from time to time with questions on faith, whether I owe that higher power some kind of acknowledgement - let alone worship. I guess I am just taking some time off for now. It works for me at the moment. If there is an all knowing Creator, I hope "he" understands.

    Over my years of association with "strong" and weak JW's - I have heard many say that when they took vacations, or time off from WT activity - that they needed a break from the KH. They would take a vacation and not think about meetings, witnessing etc. Anyone else hear this?

    Again - I guess I am just taking some needed and well deserved time off! LOL


  • Introspection

    I can understand how you would feel that way Blue. First of all, is square one really such a bad place to be? Jesus said we have to be like young children, they're certainly a lot closer to square one aren't they?

    As far as how you feel not having a belief system to hang on to, that's only because you have identified with your belief system rather than yourself. Who is the one that believed all that, who subscribed to the belief system? Clearly the belief system is not you, but when you think that way it can be a big crash when you lose it, because you feel like you're losing your self, or even your soul. But the beliefs are exactly that, beliefs. We only feel bad because we associate certain emotions with those beliefs, and that only comes from mistaking beliefs for something other than beliefs.

    I would also point out your feelings are not you, although they do feel a lot closer to home. Again, you are the one having the feelings, not the feelings themselves. When you really see this a lot of pain can all the sudden become a drop in the bucket, because like thoughts, feelings just come and go. Of course through all of these experiences, you're there to observe it all. Let go of the memories, just take a fresh look at what's going on now.

  • Introspection

    Mak, I have also heard about this saying of vacation. Of course, with the witnesses they will have a nice piece of rationalization, that you don't take a vacation from "the truth". Well, the thing is if it is a lot of work, YES, you need breaks. However, if spirituality is concerned with one's true nature (and we are talking about spirituality) rather than some kind of works, then it is neither necessary nor possible to take a break from it. Whether you're working or sleeping, stressing or relaxing, that's all part of it.

  • Warrigal

    Jesus told his apostles that he would be with them all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.....apparently the apostles were not part of the WTS.

    I don't blame God or Jesus Christ for what this org. has done. Its their own doctrines and teachings that condemn them.

  • jgnat

    I don't rely on my feelings to gauge my relative closeness to God. He can be as close as can be, but if I am cranky that day, I may never notice it. I compare my relationship to God as a mature marriage. Our relationship has warmed and mellowed over the years, and I have a deep security that He will always be there for me.

    I have to watch that I do not take Him for granted. I probably push the boundaries of our relationship now and again, because I am secure about His forgiving nature.

    (BTW, I am a never-JW)

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